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Minnesota Muslim Women's Network
The Art
of Henna

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Bismillah irRahman irRaheem
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Henna leaves are used by both Arab and Indo/Pak
people. The leaves are ground to a fine powder, water
is added and a paste is made. This paste, called
mehndi, can be used for skin and hair. For the hair,
it is a good conditioner and red dye. When used for 
the skin, the paste is placed into a tube so that
intricate designs can be made on the skin like a
tattoo. This is done by women usually for weddings
and Eid. In America, the use of Henna is used
similarly in these respective cultures.
Pakistani Bride On
Her Wedding Day

A bride's hands and
feet are decorated with
beautiful designs, usually done by a professional.

This is a picture of the
paste being applied.
The lady doing it is
using a small stick to
apply the mehndi.
This is a picture of one 
hand with the paste taken off. When the paste is applied, it is left to dry for several hours then washed off. The longer one leaves it on, the deeper red the color and the longer it stays.

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