Hi my name is Manda, I'm 15 years old, and I live in Minnesota. I am currently a freshmen, and I attend Roseville Area High School.If there is anything I could add to my page just e mail me, and tell me! Hi to my friends, Davie(silly), Adam(sweet), Amber, Nick J, Nick S, Stephanie, Rich, Ross, Joe, Mon-EEK, Rentzi, Ryan, Catherine, and more!!
I love poetry, music, movies, and rollerblading. I also love sports, like hockey and basketball. As for music I like, rock, alternative, metal, classical rock, some classical music, and last but not least, oldies!!
I said above, that I liked poetry, I also write poetry. I've been doing so for many many years, ok so only four years... Some of my favorite poets are e.e. cummings, E.A. Poe, and Shakespeare. As for music, I enjoy everything, even some classical (who woulda thunk it!!?)really though.
Of Mice and Men by John Steinback
She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb
The Best Little Girl in the World by Steven Levenkron
The Luckiest Girl in the World by Steven Levenkron
Sleepers by Lorenzo Carcaterra
Go Ask Alice by Anonymous
This site is under major construction, come back soon when it doesn't stink so much!! = ) E mail me with how I can fix it up! Also, check out my LINKS, they are all fantastic!
Manda's Favorite Links
My Quotations Webpage
Look for all your song lyrics here!
Band information galore
Millions of Quotes!
Here is where I go to school.
Here you can find head bang lyrics!!
This is a Sarah Mclachlan website
Adam's Website!
Classical Music MIDI's
Mike's Webpage
Major's Webpage
My Favorite Bands/Songs