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DL, SFMM, KBF: 30 Years Later (Pt. 2)

Six Flags Magic Mountain/Knott's Berry Farm

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Theme Park Review

Friday we headed north to Six Flags Magic Mountain. I have heard SO MANY negative comments about this park I actually expected something quite different than what I found. What I found was a park that is vastly and unfairly criticized simply because the woodies are not world-class. I don't understand this logic. Cedar Point also lacks a world-class woodie, yet it is the park of choice for many enthusiasts.

Photo courtesy of Theme Park Review
SFMM has a great collection of world-class steel coasters. Five of them - Superman (don't even start), Riddler's Revenge, Batman, Viper and Ninja are incredible, world-class steelies. And even though Superman wasn't running, Viper was a BIG surprise for me. The first time I rode it I was completely blown away! I know some of you don't care about going upside down, but I happen to like getting loopy, and Viper gets loopy in an incredibly thrilling way. Okay, maybe it's not *the* greatest thrill ride as our ACE "president" Ric Turner "claims" but it is definitely a major thrill ride done right, and I can totally see why it is so popular with the general public. After my first ride I had it No. 9 on my steel list but later revised it to my second ten tier. Viper is good steel!

I was also blown away by Ninja. WOW!!! This thing is awesome! We got a front row ride at night and oh my god, the sustained speed of this thing is incredible! I also like the fact that there is only one lift hill so the ride is never broken up. It's long, it's fast, it's swinging action is intense, it's GREAT. I can't imagine enjoying Big Bad Wolf any better than this. Ninja
Photo courtesy of Theme Park Review

Riddlers Revenge
Photo courtesy of Theme Park Review
Okay, the surprise of the park. Riddler's Revenge. AWESOME!!! It's smooth, it's graceful.... wait, I thought this was supposed to be a bad thing! It's not. Riddler is not intense like Iron Wolf, it doesn't try to be. It's flightful! If you put your arms out it really does feel like you're soaring. And it's *full* of airtime! There were two huge moments of airtime and several smaller ones. I also loved the disco music playing in the station - Wes and I got down and boogied!

Okay. Flashback, AS ADVERTISED, is the worst roller-coaster I've ever ridden. I have never said I hated a roller-coaster before, but I hate this one. It hurt me. It hurt me bad. It hurt my feelings.

Now the woodies. Collossus had no airtime but it was still a fun ride. I was amazed to see the double down still in place with a flat stretch of brake run built right on top of it! Rub it in our faces, why doncha?! I can see why people are frustated with this coaster, it has obviously been tamed into submission. However it's still not a bad ride and I would have liked to ride it at night if we'd only had more time.

Psyclone was exactly what I expected. The first drop was good, but I don't like the banking on the turns. I remember one other moment of air, but that was all. I would like to ride this at night also. Everyone said this coaster is unpredictable. They also said our ride was one of the better ones, but it was lacking in cyclone-esque forces.

Riding Colossus
Photo courtesy of Theme Park Review

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Okay, now for my impressions of the park. It is incredibly pretty, another surprise for me, since I had heard it was ugly. The hills are unbelieveably steep, and the walkways are just beautiful. There was one area that had the most beautiful giant cactuses I've ever seen - these things are HUGE! I have visited 6 Six Flags parks now and I would rank Magic Mountain third in appearance, behind SFOG and SFOT and ahead of SFGAm, SFSL and SFGAdv.

Our day at Magic Mountain was way better than I had expected. We had so much fun and the company we kept was awesome! Robb, Sarah, Susan and I were joined by Fred and fellow RRCers Ric Turner, Tim Howell, Wes Lagatolla and Wes' friend Chris. I had never met any of these people before and we had a fantastic time hanging out together.

Ric assaulted the poor ride op manning the observation tower. Little did he know that when he offered to answer any questions we might have Ric would be sporting a Magic Mountain database sheet with the most unusual questions imaginable! The ride op didnt seem to appreciate it very much, but the result was a large crowd gathered around us inside the tower wanting to know who we were. We were dubbed "Professional Tourists" which I thought was a very clever and very accurate moniker for what we do!

I am so happy Tim Howell and Wes Lagatolla showed up! Tim had to leave right before it got dark, but it was nice getting to know him. He is a very nice boy who's been to an awful lot of parks! We talked for quite awhile about some of the places he's been and we are both GAm Viper fans. He has very good taste in coasters!

Wes Lagatolla is one cool kid. I admire his chutzpah in organizing the Knotts Berry Farm deal for RRCers, especially since he isn't a member of ACE. I also admire his entrepreneurial skills.

Wes makes park and coaster stickers, and now he is making t-shirts! He gave me a Steel Eel t-shirt, fresh off the assembly line of the Steel Eel t-shirt processing plant (TR to come). The shirt is hilarious - he took the Steel Force logo and in place of the black face he put the protruding head of an eel! It's the funniest looking logo I've ever seen and I LOVE it! He also gave me a section of CCI tarp and I gave him a Steel Force pin, which is his favorite steel coaster. Wes is way cool.

Wes and Chris came with us to In-n-Out Burger for dinner after the park closed. Robb insisted on treating me to a 4x4, animal style. A 4x4 is four patties of beef and four slices of cheese, and the animal style is grilled onions, chopped tomatoes, pickles and lettuce all grilled together in a mustard based sauce.

The Pearly Gates
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This is THE BEST hamburger I've ever had. Wes got his meal first and I got a chuckle when I looked over and saw him giving a big "Ahhhhh." I think he got a laugh at me, too, when Robb began photographing me with every bite. I dread to think what I must have looked like, so if you see these photos on his web site just remember, I'm a deprived Minnesotan so it's natural that I might turn into a savage! Forget about hundred dollar prix fixe dinners, just gimme an In-n-Out burger anyday. And make it animal style!!!

KBF Gang
Photo courtesy of Theme Park Review
Our final day was spent with Robb and Sarah, Fred, Susan's best friend Betsy, and Betsy's husband, Scott, at Knott's Berry Farm.

This is now my favorite theme park. Knott's Berry Farm is so original, so natural, it's unlike any other park I've been to.

The layout is so cleverly designed, with the Chicken Dinner restaurant, bakery, gift shops and part of the park open to the public without a fee. The way the layout is used is clever also. They really make maximum use of their space, yet nothing feels claustrophic and the park feels much bigger than it actually is. But the thing I really appreciate about Knotts Berry Farm is that nothing feels canned or commercial or designed purely for cynical marketing purposes. You get your money's worth here and then some.

The theming is so cool! Mexican and western themes are predominant, and the rides are spaced comfortably apart so that no areas of congestion are apparent. It's a perfect mix of food stands, flat rides and thrill rides. I guess my one and only complaint would have been that they need a wooden coaster, and that is being taken care of. Jaguar
Photo courtesy of Fred Biedermann

Look Out!
Photo courtesy of Theme Park Review
We first rode Supreme Scream and what a ride! This is a 300 ft. tower with a 250 ft. turbo drop. WOW!! I think I like this better than the giant drops. The ride lasts longer and I like the bounce. Maybe the freefall is a bit more intense, but what does it matter when you're falling that fast. Supreme Scream was the biggest surprise for me at Knotts.

Betsy agreed to try the Boomerang and thank God she liked it! This is only our second Boomerang and I have to say I really, really like them. I know all you Easterners are jaded about them but you have to realize there are not many parks in the Midwest that have them. If Valleyfair! ever installed a Boomerang it would go over big! Sometimes I scratch my head and wonder why people complain about a park getting a Boomerang. WHO CARES if you've ridden thirty of them - the rest of us haven't! So what if it's not original, neither is a Flyer and I would kill to have one of them in my home park! Heck, I'm looking forward to Valleyfair's Mad Mouse next year - we just don't have those here in the Midwest. Betsy's Boomerang
Photo courtesy of Fred Biedermann

We rode the Tumbler. This is a GREAT GREAT flat ride! There's also a Tumbler at KCS in Mall of America, but theirs doesn't throw you out of the seat like KBF's does! This is easily one of the top five flat rides I've ridden. It gives a whole new meaning to ejector air!!!

Windjammer's line was long all day and we had to leave for the airport in mid-afternoon so our bones were spared.

The Jaguar was another great surprise. I was expecting another Ripsaw and it's nothing like that. It's a very fast, fun ride. And the Egyptian pyramid entrance is spectacular! Robb said there was alot of criticism when this coaster debuted because Knotts marketed it as a major thrill ride when it is obviously a family coaster. But all that aside, this is a VERY good family coaster. There is a short but distinct pop of airtime in the ride, but mostly it's just fast and fun. If I could I would ride Jaguar multiple times on every visit.

That's us at the top!
Photo courtesy of Theme Park Review
Now....... sound the trumpets.......MONTEZUMA'S REVENGE!!!!

What a ride! What a rush! It's amazing! Robb insisted we take the very backseat for our first ride and WHOA!!! This baby is intense with a capital F! Way way cool, even better than SFOG's Viper (sorry Jeffy). The launch is extremely intense - I enjoyed it even better than Outer Limits. I loved the two loops of lights that you launch through. I'm so mad!!! The Jaguar actually cuts right through the loop and IT HAPPENED DURING OUR FIRST RIDE BUT I WAS SO FREAKED OUT I MISSED IT!! How can you miss seeing a roller coaster whiz by you that closely? I don't get! Robb, Fred and Scott all saw it, but Betsy had her eyes closed and I guess Susan and I were just too stupid or too busy screaming our lungs out to see it. In any event, Montezuma's Revenge is *outstanding* - everyone loved it. It's the kind of coaster I could ride over and over and over and over. I loved it, the greatest coaster of the trip and definitely in my Top 10 steel list.

Toward the end of our day Robb, Fred and I walked over to Buena Vista hotel and took the elevator up to the eighth floor, walked out a side door and onto a balcony. We got to watch testing for GhostRider. I am not exaagerating when I say I think this will satisfy all the Shivering Timbers naysayers. This coaster looks incredible, so much so that I am coming back to ride it Jan. 2!!! It looks like it's chock full of airtime and with all the twisting and banking and swooping it's going to have a great mix of forces. Plenty enough to go around for everyone!!!

I guess we were on the balcony a bit too long. Either that or Robb is just totally predictable, because Susan and Sarah totally busted us. When we walked back there they were waiting for us, and apparently we were the victims of whistles and catcalls. I guess we were so busy talking or hypnotized by the coaster that we didn't see the two cute chicks whistling at us down below. I'll Be Back
Photo courtesy of Theme Park Review

I *really* hated to leave Knotts Berry Farm. We had another great lunch that day at the Chicken Dinner Restaurant, this time with Betsy and Scott, and Ric Turner and his wife Mia. Fred was there as well. Fred actually ended up spending the entire weekend with us! I'm so glad I got to know him - he is HILARIOUS and very intense in his passion for his parks! He's like a doting mother worried about her babies!! "Patience is virtue, vay-vee!"

Thank you Robb and Sarah for a perfect, perfect trip. It was the best Thanksgiving weekend I've ever had, and you two are wonderful hosts! If any of you missed a chance at meeting Robb and Sarah on their coaster honeymoon you really missed out on meeting a perfect couple. I was so impressed with Sarah, who cannot ride the coasters because she is pregnant. But rather than stay at home (which would've been understandable) or even wait outside the entrance to each ride, she actually queued with us and took advantage of the social opportunities. When it came time to board the ride she simply walked across the coaster and waited for us at exit ramp! Alot of people don't bother to consider the social opportunities if they can't ride or won't ride, but Sarah does. And Robb is just the funniest guy and the biggest liar I have ever seen. He's way cool, dude.

The parks in California are no different than anywhere else in this country. Why do they get such a bad rap? I had every bit as much fun at Magic Mountain as I did at Great America. Knotts Berry Farm is the best theme park I've ever been to, and Disneyland would be second. Santa Cruz and San Diego's Dippers sound great, and now LA's getting what will most likely be a Top 5 woodie on everyone's list. What more could you ask for?

Californians don't realize what a good thing they've got.

Today for you, tomorrow for me


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