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RRC at Six Flags Over Georgia/RRR

There are just some things in this world I absolutely love. One of them is The South. It is just so different, so original, so quintessentially American. For me the South is a study in very unique contrasts. Their history is full of romanticism and brutality. The people are absolutely the most hospitable and friendly I've ever seen, but don't even *think* about wearing a Yankee Cannonball shirt to the park. Their manners are mild and their tempers are hot. The landscape is graced by beautiful Magnolia trees while everything else is covered in Kudzu. The service is slow but the traffic is fast. People in the South talk slower and drive faster than anywhere else on Earth. There's no other place like it.

So it was with this sense of wonder that Susan and I arrived at the airport to be greeted by our hosts, Robert and Sam Ulrich. Being the Southern gentlemen that they are, BBQ pork sandwiches with all the fixins were waiting for us in the van. We, being Northerners, gobbled up everything in sight, leaving mere morsels for poor Peggy Ulrich, who was waiting for us at SFOG's Guest Relations.

We got to the park and immediately saw the *huge* drilling equipment for their 1999 stand-up coaster, Scorcher. Robert explained that the land the coaster will be occupying is not the most stable so they are "going deep." I should also add that the land the coaster will be occupying is quite small, so could the coaster be going deep as well? We shall see.

The group gathering at the park
Photo courtesy of RRC Page
The park was already getting quite a crowd, and after exchanging hellos with Peggy (Susan got to hand her what little was left for dinner), we headed for the Plaza. Sure enough, a group of around 10 or 15 RRCers had already gathered. Chris Lucht, Jerry Dorf, Jim Raimar, Cindy Stout (sporting a brand new Krunch Kote Queen button), Joe Schwartz, Scott Short and Sean Flaherty were ready and waiting to ride. A few minutes later Glenn Payne, Matt Crowther and Betsy Abrams showed up, as did Lynn E. and Kat. Am I forgetting anybody?

The group immediately split into two groups, those who couldn't wait to ride Batman and those of us who couldn't wait to get on the Cyclone. Chris Lucht got his inaugural ride in the backseat. He did *not* keep his hands up in the air! Nor could I even once that evening. He pronounced it "violent" and got right back in line. Meanwhile I breathed a *huge* sigh of relief - I survived the ride, and quite well even. My ribs were not a problem as long as I sat on the right side of the seat. Cyclone Riders
Photo courtesy of RRC Page

Ga Cyclone
Photo courtesy of American Midway
Those who've complained about the Cyclone's trains have a legitimate beef. Anyone who's big would have a hard time fitting in these seats. They are too small. Scott Short told me his butt never touched the seat once. Luckily I don't have that problem, but that does not prevent me from straddling the seat divider once I get *launched* from the Cyclone's 2nd and 4th drops. My God!!! They are absolutely terrifying! In fact, the Cyclone is truly a scary coaster. It's a mind trip. You get thrown around on the first drop, then absolutely fear for your life on the second drop which throws you up and out! It makes you very reluctant to experience the third - but the third drop is quite tolerable, and it lulls you into thinking "okay, maybe this isn't so bad." Then comes the fourth drop, which throws you straight out of your seat and head first into a beam as the train takes a steep dive. It's the ultimate photo drop, producing some of the funniest reactions I've ever seen. While I was walking down the exit ramp I got to see Cindy Stout being thrown from the fourth drop into an *extremely* violent stand up position. The look on her face was sheer and total terror and I could not stop laughing for five minutes. It never fails to leave me shaking - it's the most honest moment on a coaster I can think of.

Our rides on the Cyclone were the highlight of this trip for me. The Cyclone kind of peters out at the end, but it's quite a long ride and better than three fourths of it is an exercise in physical and psychological torture. I absolutely love this coaster and it's moved up to No. 2 or 3 on my list.

The Great American Scream Machine was not quite as good as it was when we rode it in May. I felt kind of bad after assuring Joe Schwartz, who told me he had yet to get a good ride on it, that it was No. 10 on my list. I still love this ride and think it's the most beautiful nighttime coaster I've ever seen, but like the TimberWolf, it's inconsistent.

Sean Flaharty and his fellow metal heads soon joined up with us for a ride on Ninja. What is up with those who knock this ride? It's NOT rough! Even Robert claimed it was noticeably smooth. I know there are a lot of people on this newsgroup who turn their noses up at Arrow loopers but I happen to like going upside down. And Ninja turns me upside down very well.

The Viper is getting higher and higher on my steel list. I loved it the first time I rode it, but this time I really appreciated what Jeff Tolotti sees in this ride. The backseat is my favorite - I absolutely love looking down on everyone from the rear spike. When we rode the Viper on Sunday I held a moist towelette in the air and screamed "I'm getting MOIST!" at the top of the spike - all in honor of The Moist One.

Surprisingly, the only coaster that was too rough for me was the Donahlega Mine Train! As we entered the tunnel the lights were off and BAM!!! my ribs were bashed into the side of the car. How embarrassing, the only coaster to hurt me is a mine train.

We rode the old Riverside Carousel, and that area is my favorite place in the park. The swinging bridge and the long, winding walk up to the carousel just takes me away to an ethereal place I've never been before.

The wait for Batman was too long, so we chose to ride Mindbender over and over. Okay by me, as Mindbender is one great ride. Dave Sandborg told me he liked Shockwave at SFOT a bit better, but I think Mindbender's brake was on quite a bit harder than it was in May. Also, like Viper, I think this coaster is more appreciated with each successive visit. I love the green tracer lights - I wish they would leave them on longer after the park closes! Mindbender
Photo courtesy of Joyrides

Dana and Dooley Schwartz met up with us, as did Tom Kelley and Curt Hassinger. Pre-RRR was great fun and thanks to Robert and Peggy Ulrich for organizing it.

We woke early Saturday morning and Robert and Sam drove us to Krispy Kreme for some HOT DONUTS NOW. Oh Lordy, these babies are sooooooo good. I ate six of them before we even left the city limits.

We got to Visionland at about 11:00, missing morning ERT. Upon arriving at the gate we laughed at the sign that says "No Food, Drink or Weapons Allowed Inside the Park." Oh, yer no fun. So we finished off the Krispy Kremes and coffee while Robert put his Uzi back under the seat.

Once inside the park I immediately noticed how thin the crowd was. Visionland obviously draws big from the water park, which was closed for the weekend. Still, the park looked great - better looking and more developed than in May. Mercifully, it wasn't nearly as hot either.

We headed straight for Rampage and took our first ride. It was not awake. I immediately saw Dave Sandborg and without even saying anything it was clear that he was disappointed. But ever the diplomat, our Professor would never rush to judgment.

Photo courtesy of RRC Page
There were so many RRCers at this event, which was quite intimate. Approximately 100 people signed up for the event, and Judy Curtis deserves many kudos for all her efforts in working with the Visionland staff. I got to see Mike Saunders again, along with Kim Morgan, Mark Fluharty and Debby (who are going to "do it" soon), Chris Johnson, Mine Car Buddy, Bill Buckley, Brian Peters and Rus Ozana, and I met many lurkers who were nice enough to introduce themselves (hi Chuck Gugliotta!). I also got to meet Fred of LA who is such a nice guy, and even got to take the last spin of the night on Rampage with him. I was especially glad to see Jim Westland was able to get away from work and hook up with us quite bit more than I expected. Jim even got to be one of the Bumper Car Guys.

There were many, many lasting impressions I will take from this weekend:

  • Rampage ride ops. They were really cool, letting us leave our lap bars up and even getting into it when we started a cadence that became known as the "brake dance."

  • Cindy's Coronation. Dana made quite a production out of it, passing along a den mother shirt, scarf and other assorted trinkets, including a den mother whistle. Tom Kelley and Curt Hassinger drove by and paused long enough to roll down the window and offer their congratulations, at which point Cindy blew her whistle at them and motioned them to move along. Her first official act as den mother.

  • The Bumper Car Incident. You've all heard the tale by now. I was 3rd in line and trust me, we're not exaagerating - it was hilarious.

Photo courtesy of RRC Page

  • Eating Ice Cream. This was one of the nicest times I spent at the park. Susan and I went to the ice cream parlor with Chris Lucht, Joe Schwartz, Tom and Curt, Cindy Stout, Dave Sandborg, and Glenn Payne. We were later joined by Mark Fluharty, Chris Johnson, Rus Ozana and two other guys I didn't know. It was early evening and we were all very relaxed and enjoying the ice cream (which is excellent!) as well as the day, which as Dave Sandborg said, seemed like it could last forever. After hugging it for hours, Joe Schwartz deposited his door prize, a little fuzzy heart with a face, in the ice cream parlor's window and Mark Fluharty later gave it a little kid who was crying. We sat around a table in front of the carousel and later took pictures. It was a wonderful time.

Photo courtesy of RRC Page

  • The Swings and the Pirate. We divvied up into two groups on the Pirate - woodies and steelies. "CCI!!!........ B&M!!!!" And the Swings were so incredibly fast.

  • Dana the Devil. On our first bumper car ride I was headed straight for Dooley's car when I noticed behind Dana sneaking in from behind. She had this *look* on her face - her eyes were wide open and her teeth were gritting - she looked just like this... (>:-O) Dooley had no idea she was there and it was the most devilishly funny face I've ever seen a grown woman make.

  • Cindy's Hurls. Speaking of faces, our new Den Mother makes the funniest hurl face I've ever seen. Apparently she and her sister practiced it quite a bit because she has it down to a science! Cindy also totally cracked us up when we rode behind her on Rampage. As we entered that wild and wooly finale, Cindy began *wildly* flailing about in an exaggerated this-way-and-that-way fashion, flinging herself every which way with every lateral turn. It was the funniest expression of all that Rampage delivers.

  • The Porno Pole. Sean Flaherty, Chris Lucht, Mark Fluharty and I got an incredibly long and wild ride going on the spinning ferris wheel. Mark could only take so much and had to get off, but the three of us went absolutely crazy on it. The pole felt sticky and Sean wondered where it had been before, so we dubbed it the Porno Pole. We spun so hard and so fast that the car actually swung *out and in* as well as around and around! Those who watched it from below seemed....... well to tell you the truth they seemed disgusted!

  • Bad behavior by RRCers. There were two guys, Chris Brest and Jim Teuferk, who were ejected from Rampage for cheating in line. After the train was loaded the ride ops released the lap bars, made everyone get out and back in line, then marched these two in front of everyone and ejected them from the ride. They were roundly booed by everyone. One of them also kept unbuckling his seatbelt. I also heard of other unseemly, rude behavior by some other people, including another RRCer who I won't mention since I didn't see him do it. But you guys should really get your act together.

  • Headache. Ugh. The Cyclone must have shook me up pretty good on Friday because I was fighting a headache all day. Fortunately I didn't lose the battle until ERT - at which time I also lost my voice!

  • The Spill. After we got our dinner all the guys sitting on the other side of our table sat down before anyone from our side had been seated and WHOOPS!!!!!! I really wanted to laugh my head off but poor Dave Sandborg had such a mess to clean up we all helped out. Next time, I'm laughing!

  • Silly Rampage Rides. The chain, which looked so fun but I couldn't risk it. The high five ride, which sent Dave Sandborg into a fit of laughter. Sean and Mark Fluharty turned around and watched Dave and I during an entire ride. You have no idea how bizarre it is to have someone 3 feet in front of you watching you scream through a coaster ride!

Photo courtesy of The American Midway

  • Cindy's Launch. Cindy Stout's launch from the GA Cyclone will burn in my memory all winter long. It really was amazing to see, and the photo captured her total loss of dignity.

  • Dave's First Time at SFOG. I'm so glad I got to see Chris Lucht and Dave Sandborg enjoying this park for the first time. It was great riding in front of Dave during his first ride on the GA Cyclone. Immediate after getting off he said "Wow, it's even better than the original." I think that pretty much sums it up, which Dave is so good at doing.

  • The food of the South. We ate breakfast biscuits at Mrs. Winners, Krispy Kremes, and I ate just about *everything* at the Varsity (let's see: a BBQ pork sandwich, grilled pimento cheese, chili dog, a frosted orange and a fried peach pie).

Well, you can tell I had an absolutely fantastic time this weekend. Susan thought everyone she met was wonderful, and I was very impressed with the way so many people took the time to speak to her. Cindy called her a closet enthusiast but we both have a really great time at every park we visit, not just me. It's so nice to be able to ride with other friends and not have to worry if she's having a good time without me - she is. She was quite surprised to see so many people do her "Hershey pretzel dance."

A very very special thanks to Robert, Sam and Peggy Ulrich for all your kindness and hospitality. Enough said before I get blubbery.

I would just like to end by saying these coaster events I've attended this year have really impacted my life. You people are so much fun, and that's really what this passion of ours is all about. You make having fun an art form.


Today for you, tomorrow for me


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