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Knott's Berry Farm and Coastering With Goofy

Friday morning Susan and I met with Kathy from the catering department at Knotts Berry Farm to discuss holding our wedding reception at their park. Kathy showed us around the park and took us inside the different reception sites. One building in particular caught my eye - it was the Nu Wave Theatre, a stunning art deco room with seafoam green walls, a sunken black and white checkered floor, chrome bannisters, twinkle lights, bevelled windows, and a massive disco ball complete with dramatic overhead lighting system for which Kathy said a technician would be assigned to work the party. Unfortunately (and surprisingly) there are no bathrooms located anywhere inside the building, meaning everyone would have to go outside and use one of the public restrooms within the park, which would still be open to the public. And while most of our guests would not object to this, my sweetie pie would understandably be inconvenienced by it, particularly in a wedding dress. On a very busy Saturday it could quickly become a problem. So, reluctantly, we let go of the Nu Wave Theatre as a possible reception site, and I received yet another eye-opening lesson in bathroom issues for women.

Kathy showed us lots of pictures and answered all of our questions. She is a nice lady who understood all of our concerns and wishes. It's nice to deal with someone who "gets it." We also briefly met Dana from the PR department, but didn't discuss anything with her.

After our meeting ended we headed over to GhostRider to meet "the gang." Wow, what a gang!!! There were 22 people in 'da hood that day - way more than I expected. The homies included:

RRC Friends
Photo courtesy of Theme Park Review
The best thing I can say about this group is that it was one of the best days I've ever had in a park. When you get a group of that size together it's nearly impossible to stay in one group, but surprisingly we all hung out together and stayed that way throughout the day. We moved from ride to ride and even took over Supreme Scream at one point. We would be queuing and you might start at the head of the group and end up working your way down, moving from conversation to conversation. No one seemed at a loss for words.

Well, you just know GhostRider was the first thing we rode. I had been waiting for this day since Thanksgiving when I first laid eyes on it. The station is great - it's huge and entirely made of wood and man, does it smell good. The smoke from Mrs. Knotts Chicken Dinner Restaurant blows into the station and all the way up the lift hill. Ric Turner called it " the best smelling coaster in the world." GhostRider
Photo courtesy of Theme Park Review

Photo courtesy of American Midway
We got in the backseat for our first ride. Robb called the left side the "rib-cracker" so I had to test the coaster Gods once more. The ride ops let me keep my lab bar generously high. And off we went, swooping down and out of the station before turning around and climbing the lift hill. Mmmm, chicken. The train is unusually long - seven cars! It makes the backseat look deadly. As the front car disappeared over the top I braced myself for one hell of a ride.

YEEEEEEE-HAAAAAWWWW!!!!!!! GhostRider whacks you over the top of the lift hill and *throws* you down that first drop!!! And before you have a chance to catch your breath you're ducking your head as you roar into the structure. A sharp turn to the left and a great pop of airtime says "Howdy!" as you crest the second hill. Sharp turns are everywhere on this coaster. The first turnaround does has the CCI swoop but not the Mister Twister zig zag I was expecting. Then it's a tear back toward the station with one or two more moments of airtime.

You rise up onto the highest turnaround which is directly over the station. This is a hang on for your life moment! Susan screamed "I SMELL CHICKEN!!!" which is actually and ironically a code she uses when she really likes a coaster. You whip around the turn and brace yourself becAUSE OH MY GOOOOOD WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOOOOOOOH!!!

The drop off the turnaround is one of the all-time greatest coaster moments I've ever experienced. You don't even have a chance to finish screaming when you're whipped to the left and thrown out of your seat again as you head down the final out section. That last turnaround is lightning quick and you realize just how much energy is left in this coaster. Then you come barreling down the final stretch, experiencing yet another wicked drop and still more airtime! And don't think you're finished cooking just yet because you enter the helix with that rib-cracking pop-and-turn that Robb alluded to before you finally hold on for dear life while the coaster spins and spins and spins around that helix. You simply cannot keep your arms up for the duration of this ride!!!

GhostRider is a flat-out winner. Everyone says speed is what this coaster is all about, and they aren't kidding. I don't know, it might not be the fastest coaster in the world but it sure feels like it. Riding inside all that structure is amazing! It's not like Shivering Timbers, where you float your way through the structure. On GhostRider you come *barrelling* your way through it.

GhostRider is amazing - it feels like the fastest coaster I've ever ridden. I am placing it either #3 or #4 on my list. I loved it - even better than Rampage! I can see why some people compare it to that coaster but it's funny because it's really *not* that similar to it! The most memorable thing about Rampage is it's ending - it is simply unbeatable. But in every other way I think GhostRider wins hands down. It is all about speed and sharp drops and quick turns. And oh, those night rides!! If you think Rampage is wild at night just wait till you ride GhostRider. Rampage's ending is completely out of control at night, but GhostRider manages to sustain that feeling throughout the entire ride. One of these days a cop is gonna pull it over for speeding.

GhostRider is also lovely to look at. We had a wonderfully renovated and redecorated room at Buena Park hotel that had a great view of the coaster. The orange rope lights are dramatic and very effective. Standing in the station they have a mesmerizing quality. In the morning I went running and there is nothing like running under and around a roller-coaster to make your workout unforgettable.

I guess you could say I loved everything about GhostRider.

We broke for lunch and had barbecue and corn on the cob. Marlon and Sarah tried a new recipe - they took hot, buttered corn on the cob, spread Kraft mayonnaise around it, then sprinkled it with parmesan cheese and cayenne pepper. It sounds more disgusting than it looked. The mayo actually melted along with the butter, and both Marlon and Sarah said they liked it. (ewww) KungFu Corn
Photo courtesy of Theme Park Review

We also rode the Mine Ride, Log Flume ("SIT DOWN!!!") and Supreme Scream. While I remember, I would like to congratulate Fred of LA for conquering his fear of Supreme Scream. He had never ridden it before and I coaxed him on the ride. He said he was afraid of losing his cool, and I told him he could get as hysterical as he wanted to in front of all of us and no one in our group would care.

Fred kept his cool. I lost my voice.

We also rode Windjammer. It wasn't as bad as everyone claimed, but I still held my nose through the helix. It's a stinky little coaster.

We all got one last ride on GhostRider to end the night. For one RRCer in particular it was a little more memorable. Jeff Johnson took his 100th GhostRider ride in the backseat and all of us cheered him. After the park closed that night we all had dinner in Mrs. Knotts Chicken Dinner Restaurant. Table for eighteen, please. While we waited, Robb went through Sarah's purse and put on her lipstick when she and Susan were in the bathroom. Four of our group couldn't join us, but the rest of us had a marvelous time. We sang happy birthday to people we didn't know, and we talked and laughed all night. It was the kind of evening I wished would last forever.

Susan and I decided to bail on our plans to join Robb and the gang on their trip to SCBB. It was just too long of a drive and we had a busy weekend full of wedding appointments. I'm glad we chose not to go.

I'm sorry we went back to Knotts.

We went back the next night, after spending all day at the beach. We arrived at 6:00 p.m. knowing the park was busy but hoping it would die down toward closing time. It didn't.

We got in line for GhostRider. Not more than a minute after entering the queue we encountered our first line jumpers. Two girls who wanted to push past us. No way, get back there. I don't care, have your friends come back and wait with you then. Look, if these nice people behind us don't care if you cut in front of them that's their business, but you ain't movin' in front of us. I don't care *what* you call us, that's not going to put you ahead of us, is it? No, I said no. No! What part of no don't you understand? If you want to jump over this fence and run up past all these people who *know* you're just trying to cut in line, good luck.

One minute later a boy and girl try the same thing. No. I don't care. No, you can't. I don't care. I don't care. Have your friends come back here then. NO. You're not going in front of us. NO. Don't push her, you're not getting past us and if you touch her again I'm gonna beat the living hell out of you, do you understand? NO. I don't care, I don't know you well enough for you to hurt my feelings. NO. You wanna get in my face? You wanna fight right now? C'mon, I'm sick of this, and I'm sick of you. You wanna ruin my day, go ahead, I'll ruin yours. Now get back in line where you belong. NO. You think I care? I don't! Look, we're tired of people cutting in line, what's so hard to understand about that? Then get your mama, or your friends, or your babysitter, or your daddy, or your grandma, or your kid, or your sister, or your cousins, or your brother, or whoever else you wanna pretend you're looking for, and wait for them outside the exit ramp and ride with them the next time. Cause you're not going up there to look for anybody. NO. Do you really think that affects me? Like I haven't heard that before? Like every other stupid line jumper isn't swearing up a storm hoping it'll intimidate everybody and make them move out of their way? I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE! NOW GET BACK IN LINE!

Two minutes later. One minute later. Five minutes later a group of 12. Two minutes later a group of 4. Five minutes later a group of 10. As you enter the station two Knotts employees are selling candy at the foot of the stairs. Another group of 12 steps right over the rope and bullies their way up the stairs. The employees do nothing. Another group of 8 comes in through the exit gate, hops over the wall and heads for the stairs, right in front of the candy sellers. Susan and I stood there completely stunned at what we were seeing. The boy and girl who earlier tried to cut in front of us went under the rope and made their way up their stairs as the Knotts employees looked on, saying nothing. When we finally got up to the second level it was just as bad. I don't know how many people said "I was downstairs buying candy!" Strangely their hands were empty. Two boys came running up the exit ramp. One of the ride ops stopped them. The boys said they were looking for their mom and she should be in here. The ride op told them if they found their mom they could join her but not to cut in front of anyone. The moment she walked down the other side of the station the boys jumped over the rope and were next in line to ride. When their train came back they pumped their arms and taunted those waiting to ride. "HA HA! We waited two minutes to ride, suckers!!!"

This was absolutely the WORST time I have ever spent at a park. We waited ninety minutes to ride GhostRider. Thirty of that was without a doubt due to line jumpers, which Knotts Berry Farm fully and wholeheartedly endorsed. First of all, to position candy sellers in line only encourages line jumping. Second, to look the other way when line jumping is out of control - or even worse, to LOOK ON and just watch as it occurs, tells me that the park has no effective policy for dealing with such things. Is it too much to set up obstacles to prevent easy access for line jumpers? Is it too much to pay a few extra employees to monitor line jumping and evict those who get caught? Is it too much for ride ops to tell kids to wait for their "Mom" outside the exit ramp? Is it too much to expect Knotts Berry Farm to address this issue immediately and effectively?

This was a Saturday in March. Susan and I are getting married on a Saturday in February. We would *never* want our guests to experience what we went through on this day. Because of this we have regretfully decided not to hold our reception at Knotts Berry Farm. Nor will we return to the park on a Saturday again. We will take our business elsewhere, and when the park chooses to act like a responsible business on every single business day we will respond accordingly as grateful, enthusiastic, well-behaved, paying customers.

Roger Rabbit Sunday afternoon we went to Disneyland. Brian Peters met us near the California Adventure Preview Center. We were told by other enthusiasts on this newsgroup that for this trip we *must* do the dark ride tour! Unfortunately the park was even more crowded than KBF the day before. Every single ride had a wait of an hour or more. Despite the long waits, line jumping and crowd control was not a problem at Disneyland. We made our way back to Mickey's Toon Town, since we didn't get to see that area during our last visit. This is a *wonderful* addition to Disneyland! I was hoping to ride Gadget's Go-Coaster today, but they were only running one train, and the wait was listed as an hour. Instead we chose Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin. What a great ride! We didn't even realize the wheel made the car spin until halfway through the ride when Brian yelled at us! Given my experience with Sean Flaharty and Chris Lucht on the "porno pole" at Visionland, I was, ahem, "well-oiled" for the ride. I thought I was gonna make poor Susan sick, but she hung in there. We loved it.

Next up was the dark ride tour. We did Alice in Wonderland, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and Peter Pan's Flight. I loved ALL of them! Mr. Toad is a trip! I think I'd like Peter Pan's the best if only it were a little longer. I looked for a Peter Pan hat with a feather in it but couldn't find one. Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

We rode all the coasters at Disneyland. Space Mountain had the music turned off, which is too bad because it really was spectacular. It was still a great ride though, and I love that one big drop that occurs around halfway though the ride - all three of us got big airtime on it! Later when we went to the Disney Gallery I got to see a model with the layout of SM. It was fascinating!

The Matterhorn Bobsleds are terrific at night. While we were waiting to ride the Disney Parade was going on. This was THE surprise of the night. It was an Asian themed parade, and it had just a complete visual overload of floats, dancers, stunts, women on stilts, dragons, gymnasts, Taiko-style drummers - all Asian. And it had the most incredible soundtrack I've ever heard at a parade. I'd love to know if it's for sale!!!

We also rode Pirates of the Caribbean, the Haunted Mansion and Indiana Jones. I wondered if the thrill of Indy would be diminished after our initial rides over Thanksgiving, but no. Indy holds up very well. It's easily the most thrilling ride in the park!!!

Finally, before the park closed we wanted to ride Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. Surprisingly there was still quite a line for it at such a late hour (11:30 pm). Just as we were nearing our ride there were hoots and hollers in the queue. Doc and Goofy came barreling into the crowd, posing for pictures, stumbling over their oversized feet, hugging and kissing all the kids and even the grown ups.

Goofy Just as we were ready to board Goofy came up and wanted to ride. He pointed to a little Asian girl right in front of us, and her mommy asked her if she wanted to ride with Goofy. The mommy rode up front with her daddy and Goofy got in front of us, put one arm around the little girl, put the other arm over his big hat and off went - coastering with Goofy!!! We yelled and clapped and cheered all through the ride. As we went up the second lift hill Goofy turned around and gave me a hug, then managed to hug Susan right before we went down the drop. On the third lift hill he raised his arms in the air and did a funny little jig with his shoulders. The crowd waiting in the queue waved and shouted "Goofy!!! Wait for us!!!!" and as pulled into the station people kept saying "Stay there, Goofy!" It was a real treat - I rode a roller-coaster with Goofy. I had no idea the Disney characters did that. It was a perfect way to end the night.

We spent the night in Laguna Beach, with the ocean waves crashing not more than 50 yards from our balcony door. Laguna Beach is party town and a great place to stay. I also highly recommend Buena Park Hotel. Ask for a room with a view of GhostRider!

Thanks to all the great people we met. Jeff, I hope to see you in Idaho! Marlon, I hope to make it to your crawfish party! And Craig, you are great, you make me laugh. In fact, everybody we hung out with was great. I really like the coaster enthusiast crowd in California. Everyone is incredibly easy to talk to and hang out with. You guys should have more days like that!

I really love LA.

who also indulged in In-N-Out, The Cheesecake Factory, and Wahoo's Fish Tacos

Today for you, tomorrow for me


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