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California Dreamin, Part 3

San Francisco

San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge
San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge

After we left Six Flags Marine World, Matthew offered to drive into San Francisco. I have never been to this area of the country before and was very excited to see this city! He said we would enter it from the north and I would be able to see the entire city.

We drove south from Vallejo and west for a ways until we entered Marin County. This area looked surprisingly suburban, albeit northern Californian style! At one point the bay came into view and WHOA! There was an island in the bay, which Matthew said was probably Alcatraz or something else, but I couldn't tell. He said Alcatraz was all lit up, which this wasn't, so I have no idea what it was.

We then took an exit off the highway and climbed a winding road. Suddenly, in full view directly in front of me, was the Golden Gate Bridge with the city of San Francisco as a backdrop. Matthew parked the car and we all got out and took in the view.

Magnificent. What an incredibly humbling sight. I don't think I've ever seen a view more magnificent, more moving. Matthew, Mike and Greg all explained some of the more interesting facts about the construction and maintenance of the Golden Gate Bridge. They also pointed out various neighborhoods in the city. The Presidio was pitch black, the only part not covered in twinkling lights. The area closest to us, which Matthew believed to be Pacific Heights, looked surprisingly uniform! There was also a lighthouse just off to our right, and you could hear the foghorn sounding every now and then. Fortunately it was a clear night, and you could see only a faint hint of fog approaching from the horizon. The bridge, which was to our immediate left, was bathed in the most beautiful lighting. It was an incredibly romantic sight and I began to think how much Susan would have loved seeing this.

Big mistake. Must. Not. Think. I was overcome with emotion and started to cry. Fortunately we had been there for a good twenty or thirty minutes and it was time to leave. We drove across the bridge and entered the city. Fantastic!!! We drove up a street called Desividero or something like that. Oh my gosh, layer after layer after layer of inclines! We must have climbed 10 layers of streets! I saw the electric buses that run with cables attached overhead. Then I yelled out "Take me to the gay area!" And with that we went over to Market Street and headed for Castro, where I proceeded to have my eyes opened to things I never even knew existed. I learned what a glory hole is and how bathhouses work! Gross! When I found out what a glory hole was I was so shocked and amused by the concept I started laughing hysterically! I just cannot imagine doing something like that! I mean, how embarrassing! I'd feel like a complete idiot!

I also saw these leather mannequins that were surprising in that we were just driving along, la dee dah, everything looks normal, pretty houses, and BOOM, there's mannequins dressed in leather in a window. And not subtle leather either. I think Matthew said it was a porno house. Actually, I did not see anything else that looked even remotely seedy. What surprised me most about the area was how liveable it was. A grocery store here, the Castro theatre there, restaurants, tailors, whatever. Two guys walking arm in arm, that's all. It was just a regular neighborhood, albeit in a very cool city!

We didn't have time to take in the Fisherman's Wharf or Ghiardelli Square. But I got enough of a taste to know that this is the coolest city I've ever seen and I want to come back!

Up Next: Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4


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