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Vancouver and Playland

Coaster at Playland
Photo courtesy of Joyrides

Sunday morning Dave, Tim and I flew to Seattle and drove to Vancouver, where we spent the day riding Coaster. This was the perfect way to cap off the weekend.

Coaster delivers the most unusual forces of any roller-coaster in the world. Gut-crushing airtime. Vicious lateral slamming. Every force, positive or negative, is so extreme, and the track and trains are so well-maintained. We all agreed it would be impossible to run any other kind of train on this track - it could never negotiate the turns! This coaster is perfect just the way it is.

We rode non-stop for a good ninety minutes and stopped only when the coaster went to one train operation. We then explored the rest of the park. Dave and Tim rode the Revelation (Katanga) while I failed miserably in attempting to capture it all on film (sorry Dave). We went back for a final ninety minute ride session and took turns taking single rides. I gave up some of my single rides to Tim and Dave (although Tim kept getting paired up!), figuring I'd come back and ride the next day. And I'm shocked and ashamed to admit it but I didn't go back. I lingered at my hotel, enjoying their fitness center, taking in a complimentary massage and ordering room service.

I also tried to experience regular Canadian life - I went to something called a "Real Canadian Super Store." It was very different from U.S. grocery stores. First of all, the asian influence in Vancouver dominates the grocery items. Seafood is the predominant meat product. There are also fewer deli items but more international choices (noticeably fewer mexican foods, but I was thrilled to see English trifle offered in the frozen dessert section!)

I also walked to a nearby park, drove around through downtown Vancouver and ate dinner at a local Chinese restaurant, where I enjoyed Dim Sum. All of it was wonderful. I wanted to go back to ride Coaster but my day got off to a late start and I really wanted to experience a day in the life of Canadians. Besides, my mind is still filled with the wonderful memories I received at Silverwood.

who could live in Vancouver

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