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Story? You mean there is one? Well, I suppose... A giant lizard created my numerous nuclear tests attacks New York City, and blows some stuff up. Cool!


Personally I didn't care for the bond that was (supposed) to be between the main characters. Anyways, the actors are:

Matthew Broderick --- Dr. Nick Tatopoulos
Jean Reno --- Philippe Roche
Maria Pitillo --- Audrey Timmonds
Hank Azaria --- Victor "Animal" Palotti
Kevin Dunn --- Colonel Hicks
Arabella Field --- Lucy Palotti
Michael Lerner --- Mayor Ebert
Philippe Bergeron --- Jean-Claude
Vicki Lewis --- Dr. Elsie Chapman
Doug Savant --- Sergeant O'Neal
Harry Shearer --- Charles Caiman
Malcolm Danare --- Dr. Mendel Craven
Jack Moore --- Leonard
Steve Giannelli --- Jules
Brian Farabaugh --- Arthur
Christian Aubert --- Jean-Luc
Robert Lesser --- Murray

What's Good:

Godzilla is a good action movie. It keeps you on your toes, (especially during the Busch Gardens scene)and at times, you actually feel bad for the lizard.

What's Bad:

Fans of the original Godzilla movies may find that this lizard is hard to compare to the original Godzilla who only wanted to total Tokyo, where this lizard is only trying to live, until it gets personal. I'd compare this version of Godzilla more to Little Foot on The Land Before Time than Godzilla. Remember, this is only MY opinion. The only opinion that really counts is yours.


This movie is fun to see, but go with a bunch of friends. I can almost promise that you'll be in a hyper mood for the rest of the night after seeing this movie.

It's hard to say that this movie in general is original, concidering that there are more Godzilla movies out then there are stars in the sky, but it is original to a point. For instance, the lizard in this movie actually LOOKS like it has feelings, and at times you actually feel bad for it. Personally, I wish that the lizard stepped on all the people who tried to stop it, and won.

Not much plot here, besides the fact there's a fairly large lizard stepping on all the New York City cab drivers.

The only actor I really DIDN'T want to get stepped on was Hank Azaria. And possibly Matt Broderick. Not a very good job of developing charactors.

Probably one of the best things about this movie is the fact that you can see it, again, and come away with the same feeling as the first time, which is hard to do with a movie.

Overall Rating:

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