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You Know the saying, "Good things come to those who wait." Well here is an example. It's time to test your observation. Here are 7 Trivia questions for those who REALLY paid attention to Scream. Anyone who gets all 7 questions right will be entered in the Scream Hall Of Fame! 3 or fewer right, and you're in the Scream Hall Of Shame! Good luck! You'll need it!

1) What brand of donuts Does Dewey have on his desk, at the Station?
2) What minor charactor also played "The Fonz" on Happy Days?
3) What brand of potato chips did Sidney and Tatum buy for the party?
4) What Flavor Ice Cream did they buy?
5) Was is Dewey's real name?
6) How many times does Stu Say "I'll be right Back?" in the movie?
7) Can you figure out where the killer was while they asked Casey the questions?

There are the questions.
Do you have the Answers?
(E-Mail your answers to me, along with your First & Last Name, and City & State you live in.*Note: You will not be entered in the Hall of Fame, or Shame without this information!*)
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