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My Very Lovely Family

My family has been so supportive to me! I love them so much! We've had a year full of ups and downs, but through it all, our sense of humor and faith in God has pulled us through. The first photo is my immediate family and one of our cats, Tiffany.

All the Kelleys

This is all of my mom's side of the family. I could name everyone off but that would be boring and you probably don't know them anyway! Only one new member, Austen, is missing because he wasn't born at the time of this photo :) We'll get him next time :)

Crazy Matthew and I

This is my little cousin Matthew who is now in 1st grade. This was taken last Thanksgiving before Jeff and Bernadette and the kids moved to South Carolina. I miss them so much!! Matthew and Jordan liked to drive me crazy, but I love the little squirts!