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Exactly Who is Alphie anyway?


last updated December 1999
I was hoping that I could wiggle my way out of writing about me. But Jess ( My twin. You'll find out about her if you stick around or go to HER page **g**) Told me it's just not allowed. So here it is.

Nick name(s):




Height: 6’0"

Weight: 140 lbs something like that anyway

Hair Color: Constantly Morphing currently strawberry blonde

Hair Length:ly

Eye color: Cold, clear, ice blue

Home State:Idaho

State I live in now(Besides Insanity):Minnesota

Where I’d Rather Be: Right here is good :-]

Siblings:2 brothers (one older, one younger) 6 sisters (one older, the rest 15 minutes-18 years younger) for a total of 8

Parents:One Mom and One Dad yep they're still married


Cats:0 - I am allergic

Other Pets:0

Job:Legal field

Dream Job:

Musical Tastes: (Link to music page to come)

Movie Choices: Braveheart

Cook: Can I cook? You bet I can and do and like it

Food: Middle Eastern-Japanese…Hell, I love most foods so its pretty safe

Sports/Recreation : Hmmm…Lets see I swim, mountain bike, rockclimb, kayak, hike, S.C.U.B.A dive, play pool, run, Love a good game of Soccer……Oh…and American Football

Football Team: Minnesota Vikings

Soccer Team: Celtics of course (Yes, I mean Soccer not Basketball)

Health Food Junkie

Rain or Sunshine: Both! I do love a good rain storm though.

Attitude/Personality:I should probably let someone ELSE write this part…but since I’m here……this is what you get impish grin Slightly Bitchy (but if I don't like you it could variate to majorly bitchy), Loyal to a fault, Cautious, Melodramatic, Impulsive, "Book worm" Know-it-all, Competitive, Smart ass… there’s more I know…I’ll get it later… because I'm a procrastinator too.

Accent: As my voice wave should prove, I have a "Cute Lil’ Hick Accent"…Pseudo Canadian-Midwestern States.

Chat handles (in terrible need of an over-haul)

Faults: Eeeeek……this one is going to take a while. Because boy do i ever have'em. I'm Stubborn, willful, can get arrogant, bossy, have little to no patience etc.