Choice \Choice\ (chois), n. [OE. chois, OF. chois, F. choix, fr. choisir to choose; of German origin; cf. Goth. kausjan to examine, kiusan to choose, examine, G. kiesen. [root]46. Cf. Choose.] |
All sketches, drawings, stories, thoughts, and opinions herein are mine
(© Krystyna 1996-99)
unless otherwise mentioned, if you're going to borrow them please be sneaky =-p
Well, you made it into my page, thank you for stopping in. Now that you are here you must make another decision which section to visit?. Do you a.) find out what an Alphie is. b.) Explore my world c.) hear me d.) get out of here quick
Please remember to sign the guestbook no matter where you decide to go.
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I suppose in order for you to make an informed decision I should tell you a bit about each section. Alphie is the home of a copious amounts of "net" related things, my friends, their pages, various links, places to chat, pages to view, my thoughts and opinions on the whole thing et cetera. 1995-early 1999 when ...there once was a girl named alphie... ...Vacant and Vague.... is circa 1999 me. It will house my sketches, stories, thoughts, opinions, photographs, et cetera some of it may be bitter and caustic others happy and sweet you never know unless you take a look.In any event I hope you enjoy your stay here. Thank you for dropping by. |
[a.vacant.lot] |
Projects in the work right now. I'm working on a photojournal of my life from birth to now chuckle Okay I *really* am going to finish this one, but it takes time. Also Renovations are being made pages are getting updated woohoo..please be patient. I just did some work on the "my gallery" section take a peek if you like ;p |