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.::Cobwebbed Corner::.

I've been trying really hard to be creative lately and sadly I just can't do it. So here it is my futile stab at creativity.

One more thing about being creative, well I've got this "gallery" of sketches I've done in the past put up on my page somewhere. I've decided to have this be the link to that *chuckle* really creative eh? So look no further than that sketch in the middle of these two columns to transport you to the gallery.

I am still working on that gallery though, trying to get it up-to-date and ready for viewing. So little to do so much time..Strike that and reverse it grin

Well, Well, Well, November.29.1999 I actually did something today.

Check out the sketches, there aren't any of the new ones up yet =\ sorry, but i managed to put teensy weensy bios on a few of them and more to come tomorrow or tonight if I feel ambitious.

Please remember to leave comments and the like in my guestbook before you go =-)