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Pack's Page

This page is where you can see pictures and profiles of my Pack members.

Name : Fern Wolf

Mate : none

Signifigance to the Pack : Is the leader of the Pack

Personality : very protective of her pack. Is more intelligent then most wolves. All her senses(sight, hearing, etc...)are really good. She has a friendly personality as long as you dont piss her off.

Name : Peace Cub

Mate : none/too young

Signifigance to the Pack : Fern's adopted daughter

Personality : A cub. Young and always happy and joyful. Is always looking for the brighter side of bad things. Likes to meditate and all that innerpeice stuff. But if you get her mad, you better hide.

Name : Glowin' Wolf

Mate : none

Signifigance to the pack : hmmmm... that's a tough one...

Personality : nervous...
