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In the religion of Witchcraft we view the pentagram,
as an amulet and symbol for protection.
The five points on the pentagram
represent each of the five elements....

EARTH...represents stability and physical endurance.
(bottom left point)

FIRE...represents courage and daring.
(bottom right point)

WATER...represents emotions and intuition.
(right point)

AIR...represents intelligence and the arts.
(left point)

SPIRIT...represents the All and Divine.
(top point)

The circle around the star represents the God &
Goddess, it refracts and reflects all light,
bringing to the wearer total intelligence,
universal wisdom and protection. This becomes a
graphic portrayal of the Spirit ruling over
the five elements. When the pentagram is placed
within a circle, it's energy is focused and
directed. The pentagram upright, to those of
Spiritual percetion, represents the redemption of
Spirit from matter by ruling over it....