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AJ all the way!!!

Other AJ related things..
Tour Dates
Contact AJ
Info n a few pics of me.

This is all AJ all the time so enjoy yourselves! I'll be bringin you all the info on this sweetheart, plus i'll even throw in a few pics, some news on the rest of the group n other nifty stuff to keep you entertained for a bit. In time this will be a much better place.

Sorry i haven't been updating this site much-i'm currently working on another web site with my friend the Pugent monkey. That should be finished in the next month or two-but I will continue to work on this site as I find the time.

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I would like to thank my friend Britt for helpin me out when i needed the help! Thanks a ton girl!!

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I am in no way AJ or do i know AJ-too bad for him! hehehe...Just so y'all know this ahead of time!

This site is maintained by me-the Brass Monkey!

Brass n Pugent monkey in the house! Watch out y'all-it's gonna get funky!!!!

(© Copyright 1999-2000)a Crooklyn Thing®-since July 15, 1999

Last updated August 5, 2000

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