Dawn's Poetry Corner
The Living Pages
Come ye guests with list'ning ear, open your clement hearts and hear
Testimony soft and clear of our beloved ages.
Loving comfort we have found, with devotion are we crowned,
To each other tightly bound- we are (the) living pages.
Written not with ink or pen, without beginning, without end,
Saints and thieves and lovers blend and walk these sacred stages.
O, our trembling lips confess, each more truthful than the rest,
Neatly scrawled on face and crest of these, the living pages.
Noble tales, gently spun, many now become as one,
Reaching out in unison through pain of iron cages.
Sweet compassion, o so rare, weave our lives together there,
One immortal minute share our lives - the living pages.
As the brittle pages turn, so ever harder to discern,
That they fade away and burn to be left within cruel wages.
Peace to those who haunt us here on tattered pages stained with tears,
Long departed o'er the years from these, the living pages...
Though the restless heart doth stray, as longing souls meet to convey
a hearts lament of yesterdays injustices and rages
the chains will break to set us free as time awaits to hear our plea
of a life no longer bound to be - on these, the living pages.
I am Addicted
I am addicted to you...
your smile, your touch, the every presence of your being
seems to have me captivated, yet I'm not afraid.
I'm addicted to the feelings I get when I'm with you...
Somehow you have me clutched in your perfect hands
and I can't break free from the weakness
I’ve experienced since you've held me
yet, somehow this all seems ok.
You seem to calm me with your touch
and make me feel like jelly in your arms
yet, somehow I trust that you won’t hurt me.
I often wonder if I’m dreaming because
things seem to good to be true
yet I refuse to doubt something so perfect
since it feels so right.
I'm addicted to the times when we love
because in those moments I feel so captured
that I think I could cry
yet somehow that feels comforting
because it’s been so long since I have felt
safe enough to allow myself to show my emotions.
I am addicted to you, because you
have renewed my faith in love
and brought feelings into my world
that I have never really known
until I met you.
As always, thank you,
Dawn-M. 2-26-’01
Thank You Mom...
When you have a mother
who cares so much for you
that anything you want
comes before her desires
When you have a mother
who is so understanding that
no matter what is bothering you
she can make you smile
When you have a mother
who is so strong that
no matter what obstacles she faces
she is always confident in front of you
When you have a mother
who actively pursues her goals in life
but includes you in all her goals
you are very lucky indeed
Having a mother like this
makes it easy to grow up
into a loving, strong adult
Thank you for
being this kind
of wonderful
Nothing Between Us But Skin
Let's let nothing come between us
Not time, not distance, not space
So you can feel me where you are
Since my heart is in that place…
I love you more than you might know
And I will never consider it a sin
To tell you all my deepest desires
So there’s nothing between us but skin…
I always have you on my mind,
I’m always wishing we could touch
and I wish that I could kiss your lips,
I just wish you knew how much...
But be careful what you wish for
Because I’m ready to let you win
Just look inside, I can not hide
If there’s nothing between us but skin…
Know that I won’t lie to you
And I won’t betray your trust
I'd die before I’d hurt you dear
My body ashes; from ashes, to dust…
And when once more I'm in your arms
That's where it’ll all begin
And our dreams can all come true once more
If there's nothing between us but skin
dawn-m. 3-15-’01
A heart, diseased with a yearning for poetry, and an aching for romance is in a constant bleed
It's recreation of itself time and time again, is proof that it's thirst for song hasn't yet been quenched
It suffers in silence, and though still beating, it finds it's death more than once
A heart is truly a hiding place, and behind those heavily guarded doors are the secrets of one's soul
Carrying with it at all times, memories of old, some it treasures and others it tries to forget
A heart is the fire we feel in passion, it's warmth constant like a pilot light buried deep within our core
And it's the yearning, when encountering that other heart that burns hotter than the sun
It is the madness of passion, the driving free of our boundaries and skepticisms...
About love and passion, about it's energy and fulfillment, it is terrifying, and still so remarkable
To breathe every breath in love's name, to take it in and let fill you like life's wine
To run into the arms of madness, and that madness being love and that love holding you like a newborn baby
It's not only the passion but the fire in passion that our hearts desire, and ache for
It is finding our truth and recreating ourselves no more
It is living, without caution, without fear, without hesitation or denial
These are the foods, that fuel our fire, the nourishment that supports our faith
The absence of the fire in a passion is the bleed in us and the discovery of this fire is the sensation of a start to a healing which for all of us....
Is long overdue.
That One Thing
In everyone's dreams
There is a perfect world
It is a world where
Nothing can go wrong
And nothing wrong can be said
In everyone’s dream world
They feel as though they
Are floating on air
And there are feelings that
Arise with the
Sound of soft music and the
Scent of sweet flowers
And in everyone’s dream world
There is
That one thing
That makes their world so perfect....
..... My dream world has you.
Dawn-M. 6-’01
A Penny And A Seed
I met a man from Arkansas
when I was twenty-eight
he captured me in silence
our meeting seemed like fate.
One day I went to visit him
but he was not to find
a penny and a seed
I left him in his mind.
The penny was for luck
which seldom comes along
the seed to start a friendship
which lingered in his song.
One night we met again
and sat silent by the fire
he couldn’t help but hold me close
in obvious desire.
We grew close in time
which seemed quite rare to me
since we were two so different
like the butterfly and bee.
Much time we spent together
knowing he would go
and love had to prevail one night
we had to let it show.
We walked beneath the stars
as close as we could stand
then we listened to our hearts
as I melted in his hand.
I know the time will come
when he will have to leave
I just hope he remembers me
with a penny and the seed.
dawn-m 9-00

Links To Check Out....
Cool waterfall picture I made and a Poem RIVERFALL ~by me
MOONRIVER PAGE neat picture I made and Poem called "Take My Hand" ~by me
*fire in the night* Poem "Please Remember Me" ~by me!

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