Black and white fur ball
Walks around my house
Barks from the corner
Warning to the intruder
Jumps out of nowhere
Realizing you aren't the intruder
Runs to the door
While I put on my socks
Growls from the Bed
Moving her body for more room
Rolls on her back
To eliminate the itch
Eyes staring at you
While you eat ice cream
Grabs the Frisbee
Moves the toy near your hands.. Teasing you.
Lost for five minutes
A lifetime for me
Tears from my eyes
Hoping to find my baby
Each second I'm gone from you
See's each second I have with you.
Unforeseen occurrence
Happening in my life
A little trouble fallen
Upon my very life
Take it as it comes!
A saying I here often
Take it to heart!
My conscience spits at me
Throwing each object to memory
Put it all off for another day
Each block keeps stacking up
My wall of pain builds
Each brick closes on the soul
Disappearing from your sights
Until you learn from your experiences
Break down the wall!
A time begun
Where the future
Seems to see the past
A unknown picture
Flashing before my eyes
Faces adorn my dreams
Situations not known
Where the faces take place
Where are the faces coming from?
Can't they go away?
Death and killings grow in numbers
Because of the feeling of hate,
No love for each other
Feelings of prejudice
Of race and color
No matter who you are
Or where you live
We need to get together And learn to live with one another
Holding our memories
>Replaying in my mind
Talking of current issues
Play fighting on the couch
Kissing your lips
Your hugs holding me tight
Taking walks with Mystic
Eating dinner each night
Exploding orgasms shivering my body
Realizing each moment is so precious
Each moment I spend with you
Is a memory I cherish each day
Times we are away from each other
I go through our moments and longed for you
To hold you
To touch you
To talk with you
You bring something to my life that know one has ever done
I love you so deeply
A little girl so young and sweet
Remembering how you were
The arguments … Telling mom and dad on us.
You were always not far behind us
Following us around like a little puppy
With your bowl haircut
And innocent smile
You always had your way
At ten you were of course eighteen
No one could tell you anything different
You were always in the best of us sisters
As the baby of the family or as you would prefer to say
Our sister
You’ve grown into something special
Someone with your own desires and wants in life
I guess you could say life is just beginning
My words of wisdom….
Things I now know about life could be said to you….
You will learn and cherish in time
The things you have done
And who you will be.
You are the one I love with all my heart and soul…
You could only be just my most wonderful little baby sister….
"Tiffanee Elaine"
Endless rows of faces
No one in particular I remember
Maybe just situations
Situations of nightmares or enjoyment
One usually goes with the others
I don’t see how my memory fails
Maybe it’s the choice I have to make
Or I want to make.
I continue to forget and learn my experiences
Changing what I think is wrong....
Which is nothing.
A little picture
One girl so small and delicate
With big blue eyes and a tiny smile
Looking at the camera
She looks as if she will break
Images form around her
Developing the scared thoughts she will soon believe
A big picture
One women so old and frail
With closed eyes and lips that disappeared
Looking into the camera
She is dying
All the ideas turned black and white
Consuming the life from her very soul
All the choices and words that were told to the young one
Made the body of the old
It starts with the child
The little girl who could have had it all
Yet she didn’t speak of the images
That became her life and death.
"Dedicated to the ones hurt by their peers at school"
Pink Elephant
Two words that bring vivid memories as a child
I became those words
I lived those words
From one person to another...
They relived in my nightmares
Taunting me...
The words filled
My head
My mind
My esteem
It felt like punches were being thrown
Feeling bruised...
Bleeding inside...
I died that year...
And every year after.
Becoming powerless to the children's hot words
As a child, I was the pink elephant!
Years later... As a grown women
I realize... I am in power
That I'm human not an animal
Someday all those children will realize as adults
Pay back is a bitch!
My smile and life will continue to grow each morning in my mirror!
Thinking of a moment
When happiness met my life.
I was proud.
The glow was on my face.
Ambitious towards my future.
My face was the being of my world.
The world where I was...
The ruler
The owner
The follower
The guilty
I became all of the things I wanted to be.
Unknown to you
I was a person
A person with the abilities that made me human.
Yet, you couldn't see that I was like you.
But the words you use against me
Break the walls of my existence
The happiness you destroyed.
Closing my eyes
Feeling the thoughts floating around me
Each thought carries the sights I’ve seen
The horror and happiness cling to a sight
The unimaginable becomes real
Evoking the only thing known to me is my reality
The reality that was created each year of life
Hoping my dreams will take away the…
Thoughts, Sights, and Realities that are me.
As independents
We want to choose
Who we worship
Who we follow
With dreams inside
We begin the trail
That just began
Within our mind.
Waking up next to me is nothing
I still feel the reality of you
Deep breathing and warm flesh
My heart beats faster
Waiting to see if this is my nightmare
A tender feeling of wanting to hold and enjoy
But the outline of him is still there
I feel him turning around
The caresses from him
Kissing his lips…
I miss and want him by me always.
Owed to Paul
A broken promise
A time forgotten
A moment gone
A page turned
A lifetime waited
A tear dropped
A mouth closed
A hand broken
A life gone
You are a friend with a heart
No one can compare to you.
You hear my problems,
Through thick and thin.
You permit and follow.
And comment on all.
To all, you are cared,
By only the best.
Without you,
My heart would die,
Of ache and pain.
With your heartwarming words,
You fill my holes,
And dry up the face.
My words of thanks could never end,
'Cause I know you will always be there.
The world of happiness
Sweet, smiling child
Playing and running over the grass
He is touching the being of me
His hands touch the spot
I’m playing hide and seek
With children
The sky is so blue
His fingers go in further inside me
Whispering something to me
The grass is so green
The cool blowing wind
Pushing further and faster
Touching my breast
I run faster
Find the spot in a cave to hide
No one will find me
His bulge comes out
Touching everything on me
I’m peaceful and quiet in my cave
Nothing can hurt me
His penis inside and then he is done
The game is done
I was found
It’s my turn to be it.
Blow job, head, and hummer
Few words that brings…
No cares
No ideas
Just to satisfy his needs
My needs become wasteful
It doesn’t matter what I need
It’s just his body and mind that is fulfilled
Mine is expandable
They disappear when I place my mouth on his cock
Why my needs have to be gone?
I have a mouth that speaks freely?
It seems to be the outlet
For him to fuck
No words of course are needed to please.
**I don't slam men as a lifetime joy, but I learned a lot in life. This about men who care about their needs not the women they are with. And not all men are like this.
Printed upon my heart
An exceptional soul
Who fills my
With sensations from your touch
The tenderness when you hold me close
Revives my passion inside my me
Seeing you...
My greatest friend
And lover in my life
Makes me smile
and ecstatic
Whenever you are next to me.
Thank you, my love,
For everything you have done for me.
I can’t
tell you enough…
How truly special you are to me.
Happy Birthday, My Love!
Aimee Rae Foht
I see a little scared girl
Frozen with no words
Letting people slash her with their words
Letting the men touch her
Crunched into the corner
She holds her knees
Tears rushing to the floor
I see an old independent woman
Outspoken with her words
Letting her words slash people
Touching her isn’t an option for men
Sitting in her chair
She holds her knife
Blood flowing to the ground.
They were just one person
In each other’s bodies
One cries while the other one dies.
Don’t take for granted the little things
Tiny as they are in your palm
Holding it close to your heart
A place so dear… to me
Eyes seeing my soul
Right through my body
You see all my thoughts
The good and the bad
I believe
Terrible it feels
Seeing all I am
Afraid everything is known of me
All my true feelings on the table
Spread out across
All in piles
Being reviewed in numbers
10 for Good
1 for bad
Hoping for the greater
Realizing my life is on the line
Life or Death
To leave is like death
Without a cause
Remember the times
When I laughedWhen I cried
As I leave
To write the words of pain
Is not enough.
I will always remember
The expression on your face
Will be as happy
As I never left
Clashing of ideas
Running through my blood
Flowing to my nerves
Figuring each decision I make
Putting together each block
One by One
One large mountain created
And formed by my hands
A gift of love
Showing my creation of my mind
A little broken heart
Chiseled apart
Bleeding inside me
I feel my life fade away…
Seeing the memories flash before my eyes
Me sitting on the swing
Being pushed back and forth
Wild and no cares in life
Nothing to worry about
No one to hurt me
Each year I seem to have brought it on myself
I became the one who hurt me in the end
I broke my heart
To many decisions gone bad.
A discussion flies through the night
Trying to get past the argument earlier
It seems to me
The discussions are left in the middle
And bedtime is now here
I stay up thinking of the discussions
Eyes are crying
Can’t sleep away the words
It dwells in my dreams
Beside me…You sleep peacefully … out in a minute
Your night is calm
Yet I’m awake thinking…
How did I go wrong?
Woke up crabby and angry
Wanting to cry…
You wake up gracefully
Nothing on your mind
What is wrong?
You ask me.
Nothing you would understand
Our discussions last night is always picked up
A month form now…
Same situation all over again.
Affection, a word known to me
Love, wanting, and needing
Affection is a being
A feeling of caring
All these years I blamed myself
I enjoyed and wanted him to touch me
I know it was wrong
I told him "No!"
Yet he kept coming
I think he knew I would give in
To him, no was yes
And that was just a game
Maybe I should have said yes to stop him
The affection he gave me was confusing
I figured he was showing he cared
Touching me between my legs
Was it right?
He took from me a being of myself
He took the childhood I could have lived
All I became was a little girl with no self worth
Who just wanted affection any way she can
A mystery of the day
Few words spoken with big impact
It occurs unknown
Can start in the sunshine
Or later that night.
To me it's a mystery
Why it is said
It spills out of the mouth
No thought before the words come out
This continues everyday.
The mystery appears all over.
Each day.
Avoid the binding
Keep it far away.
Two people together
Like you and I
I stated, "I love you!"
You walked off
I told you I cared
Remember "were just friends!"
What am I to do?
Cry like a river and die for you?
I'm just human
No reason to show.
Among the spared
I stood out.
You did not notice
What flowed from my eyes?
You could not tell
For all is well
Truly you'd say.
Memories of childhood Disappears…
When they decided to leave was unknown to me
Floating away from my grasps
A part of me blocks
The falls
The steps up
Holding my blanket
Getting my first
My first kiss
My first day driving
The parties flowing with people
Graduation from high school
Now I'm an adult
The growing experiences have all gone away
Just the aftermath
I have to face.
You turn away from the sink
Rubbing your hands together
Grasping the future you've seen
Realizing your fate
You turn your frown into a smile
Things will change for you.
I promise.
A drop of liquid drops from my eyes
Hurting of what I want…
Pink clouds of warmth
I little bit of heaven
I see in my eyes
A life
My life
Looking into the mirror
Is this what I want to see?
The picture in front of me
Taking it all in…
I deal
With what I have…
A sharp edge
Shines through the fields
The broken shape
Twitching with pain
A body frozen above the glaring shape
Waiting to see the slow motion of pain.
A vivid picture… You and me Laying in bed
Soft covers over our skin
Underneath, so warm and cozy
Are attention stays within our covers.
Caressing each other
We show the means of us.
Feeling smooth skin with my tongue
Wild fingers glide over his belly
Consume by passionHe kisses me
The embrace of love
Go away
Go away Far, Far away
The memories at the tip of the cliff
Just fall over
Crash upon the earth
Into little pieces Into the dust and earth
Breathing in the particles
I remember them
The terrible feelings and wants
My dreams are nightmares walking on this earth
Just go away from my mind
They are not needed
You are just my imagination
You are not real
You will disappear
I can make you gone.
Last updated on: Monday, February 25, 2002
© 1998, Aimee Rae Foht - All Rights Reserved