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Poems By Denee Marie


Everything around me is changing
Everybody seems to know what they want to do
And I also seem to know
But I really don't know if what I'm doing is right
People tell me that I'm doing the right things
I do something that I like to do like everybody else
But is it really what I want to do
I'm planning for my future
I seem to know what to do
Everything is so confusing
So many choices: Friends, Parents, Church, Drugs, etc.
What's right?
Which are wrong
Some say drugs
Others say I'll find my way through time
Some even say god will see me through
In the future will everything be perfect
Will someone point the way
Or will I have to figures it out on my own
Each day I make it through
And I hope I can make it through tomorrow
But I guess life will always be complicated
Everyday is a new beginning
If something goes wrong for me, it's my fault
And it's up to me
To keep on trying and going on


Last night my darling
As you slept
I thought I heard you sigh
And to your bed I crept
And watched you sleep thereby
Then bending down I kissed your check
For oh I love you so
But I was to weak to tell you so you could know
So sometimes when in a darkened place
Where others usually sleep
Your eyes shall see a familiar face
Just keep
Your patient smile that
May show so I can feel comfortable
One of these day to let you know
Look backward into the years
And see me here tonight
See my darling
How my tears
Fall, As I write
And feel once more
Your cheer
The kiss of long ago
But as much as it hurts I still can't let you know


Start a war, to even the score
Revenge you see, is the only way
To make up the pain of yesterday
The love you gave, and he never took
Could fill the pages of 1000 books
All along, he did decide, he led you on
And made you believe, he ripped our heart,
Just to see it bleed, like no one could,
Until the day you understood, his heart is his own,
And not to be shared,
It is foolish of you to dream he ever cared,
Today is the day, to pay him back
Knock his selfish world
Right off track
Hurt him more
Than he hurt you
Make his life like yours
Black and Blue!


We seemed so right for each other
All those fun times this summer
Wishing it would go on forever
What happened to the love
That I thought we once knew
Was it me who destroyed it
I think you know it was you
You’ve hurt me so much
If you only knew
There are many nights
I sit home
You’d call
Saying sorry for everything
And you want me back
But since I know you want
I’ll just give up.


In the evening
After the sun’s gone down
I sit and think of you
Of when you used to be around
I think of happy times
I think of sad ones too
We were once so perfect
What happened to me and you
I remember holding hands with you
And crying in your arms
I remember all your love poems
Your jokes and all your charm
I remember when I wanted you
And you were far away
So we would both be without each other
And suffer through the day
I remember all the quiet moments
When we had nothing to do
I remember all the quiet moments
When we had nothing to do
I remember when you said you loved me
And I said I love you too
I remember when you hurt me
And I said I was to blame
What happened to our perfect love
I guess nothing ever stays the same.


She was life
Her smile so big
Gave away to a love
That was wide open
Her laughter cut right through
The bitterest man
And her geniuness
Frightened some
Her eyes so gentle and soft
Willing to forgive all
Her fears filled with anguish
Her voice a harsh whip
Able to mold all
Yet behind that cracking whip
Was caring
A caring so deep
As to hurt

Behind her stood a women
Fragile and innocent
A women with understanding
And oh yes, compassion
Her ear was always open
Open to listen
Her lips sent forth advice
Thought out and proper
She could be difficult
A tyrant at times
She was she
Her mind what a marvel
Flair and creativity
That was her
To have gone inside her mind
Would have been a great pleasure

She loved
You for you
She radiated love
How little came back
She caused no one pain
Yet received so much

She lived
More than most could dream
Her life was lived
Lived to the fullest
Nothing wasted
Not for a moment

She hid behind nothing
All was bare before her
She spoke from her gut
She spoke the truth
OH yes, she was outspoken
My dear


Children with no future
Civilization it isn’t gonna stay
It will be ruins one final day
All the people they don’t know what they want
Destroy, the world and take what you got
Fires burning in the sky
Today’s children don’t know why they die

Children with no future
More innocent than you
Children with no future
Nothing they can do

The children that live will wish they were dead
Their food will be rats the ground their bed
Why should this happen it just isn’t fair
Why don’t they know the world’s not theirs

Children with no future
No use living on
Children with no future
Waiting for the bomb

Go through hell for a college education
Step into a world of radiation and desolation
Isn’t it something? Incinerate the earth
At a push of a button

Children with no future
Their tomorrow turn to dust
Children with no future
No one to blame but us

Tomorrow is another day
I hope it brings a better way
Peace and love are all we need
No more wars no more greed

Children with no future
They just don’t understand
Children with no future
The end is near at hand

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Last updated on: Monday, February 25, 2002
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