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Transcript of AJ's surprise call to KIIS FM - June 5, 2000

JoJo, a DJ at KIIS FM Los Angeles interviews surprise call-in guest, A.J., Monday, June 5th

JoJo- Wasuup!...Have you seen that comercial, dude?

A.J. - Dude, I've seen, like, three commercials for that. That is the best commercial I've ever seen.

JoJo-(laughing) OMG, I would be honored if me and you could do a 'Wasuup' together bro, are ya ready?

A.J.- Hey man, I am totally game for it and you know what? If not me, Johnny No Name will do it definitely!

JoJo- Ah here we go bro, JoJo and Johnny No Name with the 'Wasuup', WASSUP!

A.J.- Wassup, yo! Y'all right? (English accent ;P)

JoJo-(laughing) Dude, we got, like, some people who wanna say hi to you real quick but I got the #5 song on the JoJo's Top Five at Nine, it's Joe "I Wanna Know". Have you met Joe before, A.J.?

A.J.-Yes I have man, he's a really good, close and personal friend of the group and not to mention, he's also one of our label mates.

JoJo- He's doing awesome and you are doing awesome as well and you guys! OMG- A.J. from the BSB on 102.7 JoJo on the radio - WASUUP!


[After song]

JoJo- …JoJo's Top Five at Nine, A.J. from the Backstreet Boys, you still there, dude?

A.J.- I'm right here, man.

JoJo- Has your dog peed on your rug or are you still surviving?

A.J. - No, she hasn't peed, she's attacking my girlfriend right now. Yeah, she's biting at her feet constantly.

JoJo- And your dog is how old, and how big?

AJ- She's about a foot long, about 2 lbs. and she is bout five months old, she's a little Yorkie, her name's Vegas. I got her for my girlfriend, for my girlfriend's 21rst birthday, took my girlfriend to Las Vegas and we both came home about a week after that and we decided to get a puppy. And I suprised her one day after work, with this little rat, that's running around my house, peeing and pooping everywhere

JoJo- Ever walk through your house and, at night, half asleep, getting something to drink and step right in it?

A.J-Oh dude, I've stepped in more pee than when I was a kid! [JoJo laughing] I'm telling you, my feet are like so… I will never have bacteria on my feet the rest of my life, thanks to my dog Vegas!

JoJo- Now does your dog pee on the floor more than Howie does?

A.J.- Well, I don't know, Howie pees on the floor a lot!

JoJo-(laughing) Alright bro, A.J. still on the phone, and we're about to introduce song #4 "The Real Slim Shady" by Eminem. And the #3, 2 and 1 song still coming up. A.J. hang on, brother, okay?!?!

[After song]

JoJo- JoJo on the radio, and always, always a tough battle for the top two spots, certainly for the past couple a years and, man, tonight, it drops to #2, "It's Gonna Be Me" by 'N Sync but I have a special guest DJ. And this is kinda odd, are you still there A.J.?

A.J.- I'm right here, dog

JoJo- Would you do the honors of introducing 'N Sync? Do you guys talk, do you talk at all with the guys of 'N Sync or anything like that?

A.J.- Yeah, actually, actually Chris lives in the same complex as me but I'm not gonna tell ya where 'cause I'm gonna screw it up for me and Chris but [JoJo laughing] It so funny because you got "It's Got to Be Me" and then ya got Backstreet Boys "It's Gotta Be You" or it's "It's Gonna Be You", you know, it's very similar but the #2 song is (singing it) "It's Gonna Be Me".

JoJo -BTW, You and Chris, I could see you and Chris hang out a lot, man. He's a funny dude, you're a funny dude, you know what I'm talking about?

A.J.-Believe me I do

[After song]

JoJo- JoJo on the radio, 102.7 KIIS FM, we have him on the telephone, from the Backstreet Boys, Mr. A.J.!


JoJo- Now, A.J. am I paying for this call or are you paying for this call?

A.J. I think I'm paying for this call!

JoJo- Aw, I'll send ya bill, my bad bro!

A.J.-Aw, it's all good. You know what, no, we're gonna make Erick pay the bill.

JoJo- Erick Podwell, both our close and personal friend.

Erick- That's not cool

A.J.-You! No, you're paying the bill, man!

Erick- I don't think I could expense that!

A.J.- It's a write off damnit!

JoJo-You can expense that, you big ol' manager, you come on you can do it.

A.J.- Oh it's write off!

JoJo- Now A.J. what's the news on this. Now we got "The One" coming as #1, but, BUT, you have something, like, a special thing you wanna ... This could start a new wave throughout the radio industry as far as the next single, because as of right now, there's not gonna be another single from the Backstreet Boys off this album, right?

A.J.- Right

JoJo- So what's your story, what were you saying a moment ago?

A.J.- Well, uh, originally I had an idea on the last tour to pick three singles for our FANS to pick the single as out last song off the, you know, the Millennium album.

JoJo -Like a multiple choice, kinda deal

A.J.- Exactly! Well, most of the fans, I'd say about 90% of the fans voted for DWYB which is MY personal favorite and we coulda done a KICK-ASS video for that BUT, but, Nick Carter, my own, personal brother, called into MTV one day and voted for "The One" and it won by one percent! So...

JoJo- Which is a good song too!

A.J.- No, it's a wonderful song, the video's great. It turned out great. Kevin did a great job with the whole editing thing, with the editing company out in Los Angeles. He did a great job, it's a great thank you video for all our fans, you know, our crew, and our band and our dancers and us, BUT aside from that, the other side on the coin is DWYB woulda been a kick butt video, but it wasn't picked. SO, I'm hoping that if we do this tonight, for the first time ever we're gonna like totally screw up like everything that's been going on [both laughing] and start a whole new trend, And make DWYB, hopefully by fans calling in, the final, final single, the double encore to the Millennium album.

JoJo- So, okay, let me get this straight now. Of course "The One" was planned on, I guess by the record company as being the last single. You want to, you want me tonight, to start it all off, to take off "The One" as the #1 song and replace it with DWYB.

A.J.- That's what I'm tellin' ya to do man.

JoJo- In hopes that something will catch on and will add another single release to the Millennium album, right?

A.J.- I'm hopin' man. I'm gonna be praying tonight!

JoJo-Alright, okay, tell ya what. Coming up next, me and A.J. are gonna talk it over, and we'll see if he still wants to go through with it, double check it and triple check it, #1 was voted on as "The One". A.J. him being the fact that he's from the Backstreet Boys, that does carry a lot of weight, especially since it's the #1 song. We'll think it over and maybe we'll play, DWYB as the #1 song tonight? Sound cool A.J.?

A.J.- Sounds good with me, man!

JoJo- We're gonna go to like a little meeting here. We'll be right back, JoJo's Top Five at Nine coming up next.

JoJo- JoJo on the radio 102.7 KIIS FM and on the telephone, I think he's in his underwear right now from Orlando, A.J. form the Backstreet Boys. Are ya still there bro?

A.J.- I'm right here, man!

JoJo- Alright, we gotta check with one more person before we switch the #1 song from "The One" to DWYB. I figure one of your Backstreet fans will be the perfect persons to ask. Are you in agreeance with that?

A.J.- I am in a 100% agreeance with that.

JoJo- Is agreeance a word? I think, okay. Yo Ronda are ya there?

Ronda-Yes I'm here.

JoJo- Say hi to A.J. of the Backstreet Boys!

Ronda- Hi A.J.!

A.J.- How ya doing sweetheart?

Ronda- OMG I'm the biggest Backstreet Boys fan in the world! I love you guys!

A.J.- Well, thank you!

JoJo- We have to ask you a question. You heard what the drama is, right?

Ronda-Uh huh!

JoJo- The single that was planned on being the final single of Millennium, "The One", is of course the #1 song tonight and DWYB, A.J. wants to switch 'em.

Ronda- I think that's a good idea. I love DWYB cause it's got beat, you can dance to it. I love it!

A.J.- That's the way I feel, girl.

Ronda- Yeah, I'm a dancer and I wanna dance to it and I love that song.

A.J.- Well thank you, so do I!

Ronda- Yeah [giggles]

A.J.- That's my favorite song off the album, though.

JoJo- That's your favorite song off the album. DWYB is the one you like.

Ronda- Me?

JoJo- Yeah, well A.J. and you

A.J.- Yeah!

Ronda- Oh, yeah!

JoJo- Right on. Alright, well, Ronda, say bye to A.J. Any question you wanna ask him real quick?

Ronda- Ummm, yeah! I wanna ask him when are they gonna come back around on tour?

A.J.- Uh, well, we're actually getting ready to go back in the studio next month and record the brand new album and we'll probably be on tour, probably sometime in the beginning 2001.

Ronda- Okay, thank you! Tell all the Backstreet Boys I said hi and I love 'em!

A.J.- I promise you, I will definitely do that!

Ronda- I love you, thank you!

A.J.- Okay, I love you sweetheart, good night!

JoJo-Alright now A.J. now what's the deal now, suppose this takes off and you start shootin' a new video. Let's just look at best case scenario. The song flies, what's gonna happen?

A.J.- Best case scenario that if the song flies and it blows up, cling, cling, I'm hopin' it does. If it blows up, and we shoot a brand new video, which will be the official, final single off of Millennium. Uhh, there's only one stipulation. There's only one big brick wall I see constricting us from recording a brand new video.

JoJo- What's the stipulation, Mr. A.J.?

A.J.- We need a cameo appearance from a multi-multi sex god, superstar.


A.J.- I was thinking, like, maybe, Brad Pitt...

JoJo- Naah!

A.J.- Or Howard Stern,

JoJo- Naah!

A.J.- Or wait, maybe, MAYBE we could get, like, Justin Timberlake from 'N Sync to be in it!

JoJo- I, I have a good idea.



A.J.- Wait! I have a, WAIT, I have the best idea!

JoJo- Starts with J, then O.

A.J.- How 'bout we get YOU to be the cameo in the video?

JoJo- If the video is shot...

A.J.- If the video is shot, you will be our cameo. BUT you will have to be wearing the same outfits that we wear in the entire video, and you have to dance with us.

JoJo- I'll need a little rehearsal but I can work that out, yeah!

A.J.- Hey man, if you got rhythm, dog, it's all good, man!

JoJo- I got a little rhythm, bro. I'm down with that. I can handle that!

A.J.- OH wait, wait, wait! There is ONE more stipulation.

JoJo- OMG, okay, what else could it be?

A.J.- You gotta cut that fro you got, man. The whole curly thing has gotta go. You can do that, right?

JoJo- Ohhh, okay I'm in the video!

A.J.- Okay! [laughing]

JoJo- Now I want everyone to remember this. I hope people recorded this 'cause I recorded it, A.J., and I'm gonna be knocking on the door when the video's being shot, like, 'A.J. I'm here for my cameo, man!'

A.J.- I'm telling you man, I promise you, on behalf of Backstreet Boys, you will be in the video.

JoJo- Alright man, I'm down with that, man! Okay, now DWYB, we're gonna switch 'em. It was "The One" but according to you, it needs to be switched tonight.

A.J.- It needs to be the PROPER #1 song!

JoJo- Now why is it your favorite? What's up with DWYB?

A.J.- DWYB is so edgy. It's like the angry but yet the poppy, happy, crazy song that Backstreet Boys had done. It's a great song and it's the only song that I honestly can actually bob my head to and I play it continuously in my car until my ears bleed! It is to me the epitome of the edge of the whole Backstreet Boys vibe. It's a great song, man. It really is!

JoJo- Well, tell ya what let's pop it on now #1 tonight, JoJo's Top Five at Nine. Backstreet Boys, BSB, who knows possibly the real final single off Millennium, DWYB!

A.J.- Hell yeah!


A.J.- From the BSB, aka Johnny No Name!

JoJo- Last day I saw you in person was over at the No Name show and how'd the whole tour end up?

A.J.- It was awesome, dude. We sold out every show, it was a great response. We raised so much money for the "Save the Music Fund". It was an incredible turnout. It's been a great thing, man and you know what, the rest of my Boys have been very supportive. Actually Howie is right now working on a whole solo thing right now himself.

JoJo- No kidding!

A.J- Doing a whole Latin thing, you know. Kinda like a Ricky Martin meets Marc Anthony meets Santana kinda vibe.

JoJo- He, like, followed you on tour and did a couple of pieces with you, here and there. Do you plan on poppin' on Howie's record and doing some things with him?

A.J.- Matter of fact, he has his very first show down here in Orlando, Florida on the 25th of June at, uh, Universal Studios City Walk at a club called The Groove and I am gonna be there and kinda pay my respects and to help him do, we're probably gonna do "Maria, Maria" by Carlos Santana. So I'm gonna, you know, surprise, he kinda thinks I'm gonna show up but he don't know the truth.

JoJo- I hope, like, he's not listening. He's not in L.A. is he?

A.J.- No, he is actually in New York working on a couple a new records for the new BSB project.

JoJo- BYT, what is up with that? I know you guys have to be poppin' into a studio comin' up soon or are you already there?

A.J.- We, uh, well, we just got back from the Bahamas. We took our very first group trip. Uh, the five of us have never actually written anything together before and the five of us took a trip down to the Bahamas, it was a kind of a vacation/work. We were down there in Nassau for about, ohh geez, about 12 days. We got about nine songs done. About seven of which were written by all five of us and the other ones were songs that a couple of us had already written, so we got a lot of work done. Uh, Kevin is actually getting ready for a wedding. I'm just kinda messin' around back at the, uh, crib. I'm actually calling you from my house!

JoJo- So you are in Orlando?

A.J.- I am in Orlando. My girl just got back from work and I'm just sitting here, walking around my , uh, my kitchen. I'm lounging in my drawers!


A.J.- And I'm sitting here chillin' in my Speedo!

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