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Justin Timberlake Facts

Here are some facts about Justin. If any are incorrect or you have something to add e-mail me. I will be putting more up because I don't have that many.

Full Name: Justin Randall Timberlake
Birthdate: January 31, 1981
Birthplace: Memphis, Tennessee
Height: 6'1
Home: Orlando, florida
Family: parents and stepparents, Lynn and Paul Harless and Lisa and Randy Timberlake, brothers, Jonathan (5), Stephen (10 months)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Music: hip-hop
Favorite TV shows: Seinfeld
Star Sign: Aquarius
Car: Mercedes M class
Instruments played: Keyboard and the guitar
Favorite Films: "The Usual Suspects", "Twelve Monkeys"
Favorite Foods: Cereal, pasta
Nicknames: Bounce, Curly, Mr Smooth, Shot, The Baby, Baby Spice and Curly Spice
Most Pride posession: his voice
Self-discription: Crazy,funny,athletic
Nights: Playing Basketball, singing, and dancing
Favorite color: Baby Blue
Favorite drink: Milk
Favorite cereal: Apple Jacks and Oreo O's
Favorite author: John Grisham
Favorite all-time musician is Jimi Hendrix
Favorite designer: Tommy Hilfiger
Favorite team: North Carolina Tarheels
Favorite music groups: Brian McKnight, Take6, Boyz II Men, Janet and Michael Jackson, and Stevie Wonder
Best Habit: Making people laugh
Collector's items: Sneaker, basketball gear

Favorite childhood toy, according to Mom: "Different guitars. He always dragged around some kind of little plastic banjo or guitar."

Favorite 'N Sync song: "'God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You' because it is the perfect love song. I'm a very spiritual person so it relates to me."

Girlz: A mix between Kate Moss and Cindy Crawford! But the qualities he looks for in a girl are senditivity and a good sense of humor.

He is not a natural blond. He bleaches his light brown hair.

He hates his curly hair. He once tried to iron his hair straight with a standard clothing iron and burnt off the ends.

He hates the nickname Curly.

He has had problems recently with fans clipping his curly locks---which means he has to run to a stylist to even out his do!

He has an incredible fear of snakes.

He has a cat, Alley, and a dog, Ozzie

His best buds really are JC, Joey, Lance, and Chris

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