I made some of these bars and lines myself; others I found on the web. As far as I know they are in the public domain. If you find a copywrited bar or line, E-mail Webmaster@BusyB's and I will remove them or give credit where it is due.

Feel free to use as many bars and lines as you like, but please place a link back to this site somewhere on your pages. Here is the code you will need>>>

<A href="https://www.angelfire.com/mn/busybs">Busy B's

File name: bouncebar.gif

File name: crashtruck.gif

File name: gradbar.gif

File name: pacman.gif

File name: roll.gif

File name: prismbar.gif

File name: santabar.gif

File name: saucer.gif

File name: splitrail.gif

File name: ufobar.gif

File name: shootbar.gif

File name:barr.gif

File name:brdbar.gif

File name:brdbar2.gif

File name:wavebar.gif

File name: rollwipebar.gif

File name: kbar.gif

File name: teltypbar.gif

File name:.gif

File name:.gif


Buttons 1

Buttons 2

Buttons 3

Backgrounds 1

Backgrounds 2

Backgrounds 3

Backgrounds 4


Transloading instructions

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