
All of the backgrounds on this page were created by either myself or my friend, Denise. We do not hold a copywrite for these backgrounds.

Feel free to use as many backgrounds as you like, but please place a link back to this site somewhere on your pages. Here is the code you will need>>>

<A href="">Busy B's </A>

File name: bluflwrs.jpg

File name: bluzs.jpg

File name: cir.jpg

File name: cirpurblk.jpg

File name: blur.jpg

File name: cmtlns.jpg

File name: hurr.jpg

File name: othrwrld.jpg

File name: purcir.jpg

File name: purnoise.jpg

File name: purpnk8.jpg

File name: wavdwn.jpg

File name: purpnkcir.jpg

File name: brite.jpg

File name: purtap.jpg

File name: .jpg

File name:

File name:

File name:

File name:


Backgrounds 1

Backgrounds 2

Backgrounds 3

Buttons 1

Buttons 2

Buttons 3


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