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Transloading Instructions for

When you get to Star Boulevard, the first space on the form will be "Last Visited URL." There you will see the addy of the last URL you were.

To the right of the "Last Visited URL" you will see a teardrop. Click on the teardrop and your last visited URL will appear in the next space on the form, which is "Source URL." Then you will only need to enter the file name to the end of it.

The next space is "Rename to:" If you want to rename the file, type it in here.

The next blank is "Target FTP Server." Here you must enter the address of your Ftp server. For example, if your webpage is on Angelfire, you would enter

Next is "Target Account Name." Enter anonymous in this blank.

The next blank is "Target Account Password." Enter your email address here. For transloading purposes Jon@doe is fine.

The nxt blank is "Upload Directory." Enter /incoming here.

Now go to the bottom of the page and click the Transload button.

You may also want to click Save Cookies which is handy if you're transloading a lot of files. It will save you a lot of typing.

Well, that's it for how to use Star Boulevard. If you use another transloading service, I can't help you there. I'm not familiar with how to use the others.

Want to transload now? Go to:


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