• Age: 30 something. Actually almost 40...if you must know. (Hey! You're not getting any younger either, buddy!)


  • Location: The Heartland of good ole U.S. Oƒ A. Minnesota- Land of 100,000,000,000 skeeters and 250,000 hicks. Oooops!! I mean ticks.


  • Likes: Sipping good strong coffee, (StarBucksŪ HouseBlend) movies, bow-hunting, fishing, watching WWF, Turning Leaf White Zinfandel on my birthday, muskie fishing, making people laugh, vacation days & paid holidays.


  • Dislikes: Chronic complainers, taxes, second hand smoke, people that smack gum, telemarketers.


  • Goal in life: To see as much of the world as I possibly can. Someday I want to go to Texas and drink a Budweiser out of a Longneck bottle and spit.


  • Most Embarrasing Moment: If you haven't heard about this one..oh well! I will not repete it.


  • Favorite Pastimes: Reading Stephen King. worshiping the sun.


  • Pet Peeve: People eating with their mouth open, burping.


    Quote: Life's a Bitch...then you become one.



