Rod Man: The Newsgroup Moron

Scorpion1388:The Rod Man a.k.a. Rectum Man

This is the story of Rod Man, his life, his passions, and his fetishes.

Warning!! Not for the weak, this page contains adult material and should only be viewed by persons over the age of 18. Anyone under 18 should leave now.

This is the story of Rod Man, how he became the man he is today.

Rod Man was born in a tiny trailer in the middle of the woods on the outskirts of Alabama. He lived on wheels so they did a lot of traveling in the summer months. Sometimes they would travel as far and the next county, depending on what comodities were being handed out. Peanut butter and canned meat were Rod's favorites.

As a baby, he had only his Momma to talk too. She was a fine woman of great stature and grace. Rod likes to think he inherited those virtues from her. She died in 1995, leaving Rod the trailer and a kitchen full of canned meat products.

His Daddy was a gunfighter in an tourist trap ghost town, and would pop in on ocassion for a beer and a meal. Rod Boy admired his Father and wanted nothing more than to grow up and be just like him.

As Rod grew out of his Huggies® and into his teen years, he found a friend that lived across the field, his name was Matt. Matt and Rod became fast friends and shared a unique passion for cats. They bred cats in a shanty they built and loved their animals dearly. They would wrap a cat in a thick towel and take turns playing "Pack the Cat."

The years went on, and one day Matt got himself into little tiff with the law. Rod's best friend told Rod he had to go to a special place for a while, so Rod was on his own for the first time in his life.

Once he overcome his fear of being alone, Rod set out to find his father, but discovered that good old Dad had dissapeared and was nowhere to be found. Feeling desperate and alone, he set out on a quest to get a job, and found one working at WalMart, and began filling his trailer with all kinds of marked down merchandise. He bought himself a webtv and learned how to send e-mail and surf for pornography. This made Rod a happy boy.

One night when Rod came home from a hard day of collecting shopping carts, he found this girl sitting on his front steps. He took her in, and she made herself at home. Rod thought he loved her, since she told him he was 'The Man' "The Rod Man" to be exact. His heart was broke when she left him for another woman, and he hasn't been the same since.

When Rod has to go out, he drives this truck here. It gets poor gas mileage, but Rod doesn't travel too far from home. He's usually too busy on his webtv checking out porn and getting his ass kicked, making stupid posts and being a moron in general.

Right now Rod's current squeeze has taken his heart and captured it. He bearly leaves her side. I think it's because of the canned meat.

But when he gets time alone, it is spent whacking his peenie to Britney.

This site is for entertainment purposes only. It is best viewed after drinking large quantities of alcohol or smoking a big fatty. This site should be renamed, "Rectum Man Gets An Anal Cleansing."

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