The PuP

A bio by PuP!!! I found out about buh.shit from a friend.The group has always been a very good group.Flaming and kicking butt.When i first found buh.shit the people where different.You had jack,mintuss,shitTDump,and more.I knew nothing about html's.I would always get my butt kicked.One night mintuss pissed me off,and i said nomore.I asked friends at work to help me.I asked my son to help me.They all came thru.I studied html's for hours and hours.I then bought a computer,and bounced postings.I learned alot.Then here comes cindy.I guess she thought i was a good flamer.Cindy kept hitting on me.I would bounce her post,and make her mad.I did this to everyone in the group.Im a Nas-t-PuP.It went on from there.I kept studying and practising.I then thought of a method called bait and switch.I would let people open there mouths.I would then reverse there process.It worked great,and it was fun.I used that process just a month ago on phil.He got flamed by everyone.Phil left for awhile.He came back,and claimed he was on vaction.I think phil had a nervous breakdown!!! I got my hours changed at work,and dont have the time to post much anymore.Im working on a big homepage now.It will be about Harley motorcycles. I would tell anyone to get into this group.In my own words:It's the best newsgroup on webtv.I know you will enjoy it.Thank You!!!