The Players



Mintus M.I.A.


Sir Raspy

Misty R.I.P.



Nas-T-PuP R.I.P.






Joe Haaz

RodMan: RIP




Message Board

Official buh.shit IRC



Loser List





5.All PCTrolls

6. Nas-T-PuP


We at news:buh.shit want to WELCOME you to our page. We are a group of obsessive-compulsive bull-shit artists that like a challenge, a good joke and a whole lot of B.S.

We just want to have fun and have a few laughs, especially at others expenses.

We welcome everyone as long as they can take a joke and dish one out every now and then. So pull up a 'stool' and read on:

BUT keep in mind that we are ALWAYS full of it!

This page is about us. Some of the elite of newsgroups, from usenet to alt.discuss all over the world wide web. Some of us have known each other for 4+ years. Yes.. we are all friends but still like to give each other a bad time on occasion. It's all in good fun and it's all buh.shit!


A news:buh.shit exclusive interview:


Click here to read about Maverykk and WHY he likes jello!


At first he was the BIGGEST festering boil of all-time, pestering the buh.shitians to hell and back. We gave this frog his moneys worth with no change back. In fact he has become legendary in usenet with the lames, the floods, the newsgroups he has created, and the creatively obscene one-liners.
But admit it...
You've seen some changes in the old boy in the past few months. Some will say he's still a ROYAL pain in the arse and always will be, while a few others have made peace with him. So, the question is this:
"Is he worthy to become a buh.shitian?"
If so, he would be the first PC'er out there to be worthy. Decide for yourself. If you think he is worthy- e-mail THE QUEEN and cast your vote or simply express your opinion. It does matter.

Is there a future for Thelma and Tuna?
Some say yes, some say no. We the people of buh.shit always are up for a good old fashioned love thread. Hint for tuna: Flowers. Perfume. Cash. Jewelery. Maybe a HOT love letter posted for all to see.
You never know what will happen next in news:buh.shit

That seems to be the question everyone wants an answer to. My intuition tells me he is very much alive and rolling in some dead fish somewhere warm. (Like on a pig farm in Florida somewheres in the center of the Everglades.) Although his posting style has not been seen for months, his e-mail style still shows up in my mail every now & then. I believe he is pretending to be his "StepDaD" and he is still "Having Fun." And if he truly has been 'put down'-- He is finally put out of his misery.

Feel the need to read some raunchy bathroom humor?? Then click HERE to read sayings that are written on bathroom walls across the country.

Click here for the first version of our page:

"A Year of Buh.Shit"
View some pics of the regulars that post.


It was brought to my attention by Sir Obi that there is a buh.shit page in existance... Before this one!

If any of you remember anything from WAY BACK let me know, or post it for us all to enjoy. Think of it as our "ROOTS." Information on old posters is rather interesting to read about.

The Original BUH.SHIT PAGE

With the start of the New Year of 2002, news:buh.shit has been graced by adding some new additions to our list of many Spankards®.
Creatures that called themselves "Y2Trolls" had entered our territory and were pissing all over themselves on a daily basis. We liked to think of them as our own personal bitchboys. They are humorless and stoopid, but we thought we'd keep them for our personal entertainment no matter how ƒugly and goofy they were. We are proud as hell to say we have won the war and the trolls have moved on with their tails between their legs licking their wounds. The battle was long, but the webbies won the trophy and the trolls will forever be laughed out of our newsgroup if they ever decide to try and take it over again. Rest In Peace, slackers and droolers....and eat shit.

Click below to learn more about these creatures.

This summer has been rather slow in all newsgroups. Since webtv let us have our own "club' groups, the postcounts in almost every newsgroup has dropped conciderably. So please show your support and stay out of those club groups. Stick with Usenet. The Korean Spam King will visit your mailbox daily with all sorts of interesting and unreadable e-mail.

ShitTDump Productions®

In case any of you are wondering, our last resident Spankard® Rectum Man has left us for the power of surfing Pokémon sites on a pc. May he R.I.P.

So, the question today is: Who will be the next New buh.shit spankard®?! We all know we need a new one since it has been a long time since we have had a idiot to smack around.

Has The Tribe Has Spoken? Do you care??!

Click HERE To Check Out The Famous Tribal Award.

Awards We Have Won And Are Proud To Display:

Free Guestbooks! by Phaistos Networks

Read Buh.Darn Guestbook-

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Last Update: 09/21/03

All Rights Reserved.

Or: Page Updated as often as Frogbutt moons USENET.