Recently, one of our reporters got the opportunity for a buh.shit all exclusive interview with Mavrykk. While riding horses on a open range, these questions were finally answered:

At what age did you first discover you had a love for jello?

I was around 3 years old. Later i found out that kids who don't eat Jello grow up to be criminals.

What is your favorite flavor?

Cherry or cranberry. I love it with a peanut butter and gravy sandwich.

Do your family members share in your love for jello?

Yes, but not as much as me. My mother fixed me some to cheer me up once. I had just fund out their wasn't really a Santa Clause and was feeling kinda down. I guess I was to young to handle it. I had just turned 32 years old.

Have you ever ate jello with a silly-straw?

No, but it's a hell of an Idea.

What would you do if President Bush outlawed jello?

This would destroy our country and i would start a revolution. Maybe I'd run against him on the Jello ticket.

If you had your choice between one million dollars in quarters or a jello snack pack what would if be?

I can buy a lot of Jello with that money. I would ask the TDT Angel Bitches to teach me how to carry bags of quarters.

Have you ever rode a horse while eating jello?

Yes, but i usually share it with my horse. All my livestock get a daily helping of Jello.

Have you ever rode a cow backwards while eating jello?

The rodeo cancelled the event. Maybe next year.

How do you feel about pudding?

We use pudding in our Jello rehab center to slowly get folks back on Jello. Once a week i do butterscotch.

How long have you been "Mavrykk?"

Around three years on line. I've it for a nic name sense i was about 18.

How did you end up playing a cowboy on webtv?

Two trolls raided my Html group and I chased them Into troll and flameville. Then I decided I needed a separate nic. Growing up I worked on a ranch near Leadville Colorado so i am part cowboy. Two buddies of mine gave me the name Maverick cus I've never been one to fallow the crowd. It means an un-branded cow.

What kind of beer do you drink?

Bud-Lite but some of the Imports are good.

How many cowboys does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Just one Colorado cowboy but three if their from Texas.