1997 Memorial Weekend Camping Trip
Sturgeon Lake, MN
Here's the crew including Tommy Fox, Frid, Ivonski, Roderick, Stephanie and the Notorious M.U.G.
Here's a picture of Henderson running away from the camera.
Check out those sexy tighty whities!!!
Here is the infamous "Troy in a Tree". That idiot climbed all the way to the top of this tree
just so he could smoke a cigarette.
Here is Nate a.k.a. "Psycho", "Naked Nate" throwing a handmade swing into the creek.
Just think of all the hard work he "threw" away for that dirty hillbilly who built it
Here is Klaus and some others enjoying a nice time.
(NOTICE!) Klaus supposedly has a VERY large unit (According to brother Sven)
More to come.....