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class 08/08 shunters Brittish Railways

Information on the 08/09 shunter

These shunters have performed well over the years, they have played a crucial role in the railway as do the rest of the fleet of locomotives, but these never seem to be replaceable yet !!!.
There were introduced between 1953-62, and these beasts have now almost completed there lives on the system.
Note that some shunters also have pipes at the top, above the buffer beam. This is for EMUS and DMUS that have them located near the cab windows (slam door stock). The shunters that are allocated to the Eurostar sector have the automatic eurostar connector, do not get this confused with a buck-eye. This connector allows the eurostar to couple and decouple without the driver shunter/secondman leaving the cab and undoing and doing all the connector cables, and jumpers.

Class member 08661 is recently ex-works in this shot at Crewe Electric Depot where it was the depot pilot. It is in the new or revised Railfreight Distribution livery - now sadly, another piece of history with the sale to EWS

Class member 08792 enters the Yard at Newport Godfey Road It is the old corporate BR blue livery - which looks quite dreadful when it starts to fade.

Tinsley unveiled 08679 is a new turquoise livery at the open day in 1996

Since the sale of Rail freight Distrubution to English Welsh and Scottish Railway the majority of stock will go into red and gold. Below is a picture of a class 08 in drawing form. The class 09 is not different apart from a different gear ratio.

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if you have any information that would be helpful, then please e-mail them to me.
