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Thank you for visiting Comet's store

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Your email address: (e.g.:

Your company (optional):

Your phone number (with country, city, area codes):

Address (shipping):
City/Town: State/Prov.: Post./Zip Code:

Please Check off the items you wish to purchase and enter the quantity you would like in the box next to it:
*Note* Shipping is already included in the prices! * All amounts listed are in U.S. funds

Dreamcatcher Pouch ($6.00) - Qty.
Arrowhead Necklace ($5.50)- Qty.
Heart Stone Necklace ($5.50)- Qty.
Dreamcatcher Keychain ($5.00)- Qty:

Please select a method of payment:

Personal Checks Need To Clear First
Cash must be well concealed and there are no there are no guarantees

Extra Comments, Special Requests and Questions go here:

Thank you! After your order is
recieved, we will be in contact shortly with payment information!