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(Newest links are added to the TOP of the list)  
    Search this site by song title or artist name for lyrics.,5594,2577756-2,00.html  
    A "how to" guide for using Gnutella-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    Make "back-ups" of your games here.  
    A cool file searching site.
    Wanna copy Sony Playstation games? This site has all the information you need and more.
    CDex, one of the best free MP3 rippers around. No bitrate restrictions like others.
    Go here and download a neat MP3 list making utility. It has the ability to break the .txt file listing down into directories. It will also count the files and tell you the total size. I highly reccommend it.
    Ram Booster v1.6
    A neat little program to free up a specified amout of RAM on demand. The maker has had his machine running for over 6 months straight, using this program.
    Go here and search for any program you need.
    Go here to get some files to assist you in legally making your "backups" of your PC game CDs ;-)
    A top notch and very informative website which offers great free downloads. My favorite program on it is their MP3 tagger, which is the best I have ever seen on the net. Also, AnalogX offers a great little program called "Script Defender" which will help protect your system from the viruses like "I LOVE YOU" and "NEW LOVE" by prompting you when things like a .VBS script is about to be executed.  
    Kids, let daddy tell you something. If you have a cable modem connection like me, you need to go to this page and run these registry tweaks. I did it and my connection speed went up 50X what it was before. For reference, make sure you do a before/after comparison test of your connection speed at this site. If you are not running cable, then you need to get down on some broadban today.

Note: Save your registry BEFORE you go tinkering (especially if you are a novice), that way if anything gets fuct up you can easily restore your old settings. Make sure you follow the directions exactly.
Email me with your results.  
    Join the boycott against Metallica. is composing a list of unhappy Metallica fans and they are planning on sending it to the band....... kind of like Metallica sent their list of "mp3 pirates" to Napster.  
    Use this page to find out how fast your connection is.  
    This is the first portable piece of MP3 hardware to hit the market. The "MP-Trip" (made by EasyBuy2000) plays MP3 that have been burnt onto a 650 MB CD... about 150 songs per CD on average. The MP-Trip features a 50 second electronic skip buffer and the ability to scan through directorys you have placed on the CD. The geeks at ZDNet gave it a favorable review (4 out of 5 stars).... I have ordered one, so I guess I'll spend my money and give you my opinion, stay tuned folks.  
    Dear Dr. Dre and Metallica... welcome to reality. Gnutella is your worst nightmare. Gnutella is a file search utility. Whereas the program Napster relies on search servers, which has allowed their company to be targeted in the current lawsuit, Gnutella is simply software which allows you to connect directly to somebody else's computer through IP and conduct a search for a particular file or type. You do not go through a server's database, however, the beauty of Gnutella is that once you connect to the first person's computer, you instantly connect to all the computers they are connected to, and then to all the computers those computers are connected to... and so on, and so on.... it is basically a giant chain reaction which is constantly updated. Gnutella gives you access to hundreds of thousands of files.... get all the MP3 and MPG you want. Gnutella will be impossible to get rid of... muwahahahahaa :)

After you download Gnutella, goto and get the current server listing... BOOYA!  
    This site is promised to be cool. It will be up and running on May 23.... the same day as the release of their new album "Mad Season"  
    Need some crack? I mean "a" crack? Search for it here.  
    Some cool baseball applications, in Shockwave format and others.  
    Check out your local High School sports action.  
    One of the best bands around... oh and by the way, they support Napster. Frontman Dexter Holland said, "About a year ago, we were the most downloaded band on the Internet... and geez, it certainly didn't hurt our record sales."  
    Get all your questions about the current Metallica / Napster legal situation answered.... from Metallica's point of view.  
    Get all the best software for your Linux operating system.  
    Allows you to choose which Napster server you want to go on. Lists total users, files, ping time etc. With Napigator, you can get on the same server as your friends or even host your own OpenNap server.  
    Check out one of the best magazines around, MAXIM! And hey, it may be a men's magazine... but chicks can read it too. :)  
    Go to this page, punch in your zip code, and get up to the minute weather reports for your location. You will also get a five day forcast. I use this all the time and it has proven to be pretty accurate.  
    Use this page to automatically scan and inventory your system. It also checks the level of security on your computer.  
    Download this free program to monitor your internet connection and protect yourself from those naughty port peepers! This program is a good idea to have, especially if you're on a LAN or have a cable modem.


    The first is the original "wazzup" Budweiser commerical, and the second two are both parodies of itl. The first parody is done to the famous Elian Gonzalez pictures, and the second is done to the classic Super Friends cartoon. They are both hillarious. Warning: These files are LARGE  
    Go to this ZDNET page, click on the startup icon and it automatically scans your entire system. It kicks you out a list of your current programs, drivers, etc. that have newer versions available and then gives yout the links to download the updates.  
    If you need something for your site, check this page out for the top free applets, java, and DHTML scripts around !  
    This is a totally legitimate company. Basically, you get paid to surf the is probably the best "money maker" on the web.  
    Software which alllows you to hide your IP while surfing, chatting, etc. A fully fuctional trial download is available.  
    This site is very useful. I'm not going to explain everything on it, just check it out. I guarentee that you will like it.  
    An informative page on your and my favorite program... Napster! =) Read all about the current news and legal happenings.