I am the guardian of this place, a place where daydreams meet nightmares, home to gargoyles and nymphs, daemons and faeries...
Hail, reader. My name is Alexis, though I am also commonly known as
"X", "Sha'ori", and "Lovergirl".
I love religion. As an avid non-christian, I think of religion
as a hobby, a ficticious dream of mankind's in order to elevate
itself to its peers, the animals, who don't really care at all. It is
a strange dream of mankinds', to give itself a non-present master who
can punish it...or maybe that is just humanity's need to think that
it is connected to everything, that whenever something happens it is
because of "my" error, "my" sin......etc. But in what passes for
reality in my domain, this makes humans delusional, because if
weather had a deity, it wouldn't give a damn about a petty "sin", and
therefore the tornado that relocated your house yesterday has nothing
to do with you. And neither does the plague that is sweeping the land. And
just because the world is going to self-destruct doesn't mean that a
deity is going to destroy it and tell us about it in advance. In
fact, if the world does end, it will be OUR fault, and not the petty
vengeance of some god that won't even show it's face to humans.
I also love psychology, sociology,philosophy, and theology, which I
manage to cram into one. This usually ends up getting me in trouble,
either for saying the wrong thing to my parents, who are die-hard
Catholics, or for going on and on while a Christian teacher is in
earshot. This, while it shouldn't hurt my grade in their class, seems
to anyways. It seems humanity is very bigoted when it comes to
belief, and it is my belief that every single person on Earth ((and
anywhere else, for that matter)) should be hunted down and killed
quickly and with as little mess as possible.
So why, if I hate humanity so much, am I still around to be
annoyed by it? Well, that's a strange, interesting question.
The answer is Davern.
In Davern, there collect people who A) cannot breathe out carbon
dioxide ((Mark)), B) create life where there is none ((Mary)), or are
cold-blooded ((me)).
I am one of three authors in Davern. These three are myself,
Mary Szabady, and Jola Komornicka. I am in the middle of two books
right now. They are titled "Blood Landing" and "Daggerwind". Both are
fantasy novels with several characters. Writing is another of my
favorite pastimes. I spend much of my free summer time, when I'm nt
working, writing my books. I seldom have time during the school year
because of all the homework, projects, tests, etc., so the book
doesn't progress during the winter.
I am one of four artists in Davern, and I am currently the only
one who has work available for mass viewing. My work can be seen here
if you're that curious. I've been drawing since I was little, and
though I never drew on the walls with crayons, I did paint the
bathroom with diaper rash cream. My parents were not amused. I like
drawing, and while I can't seem to draw men, or to get my pictures as
dark as I'd like them, I still think that they're pretty good, for a
15 year old.
And for my final words, I'd like to remind you all that
"You cannot survive without me.......for what is light, without
The figure walks slowly back over the water,
releasing your hand, as you slowly realize that she has taken you
over the river and back, without your feet ever touching the ground.
She raises a hand in farewell, and fades back into the shadows until
nothing is left but the glint of the dying torch she was carrying.