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So When is the next Lunar

The next possible Lunar Eclipse visable to North America, is a TOTAL Lunar Eclipse on Janurary 21, 2000. The Eclipse will be visable throughout all of North America from the night of Janurary 20 . North America will be viewing the eclipse at night, making it the best advantage of seeing it. Most best thing about Lunar Eclipses is, that they are a slow event, and so you time to change exposures, when taking pics..

Eclipse Events, January 20-21, 2000
Event                        UT         EST         CST         MST         PST
Moon enters penumbra        02:03     9:03 p.m.   8:03 p.m.   7:03 p.m.   6:03 p.m.
Partial eclipse begins      03:01    10:01 p.m.   9:01 p.m.   8:01 p.m.   7:01 p.m.
Total Eclipse begins        04:04    11:04 p.m.  10:04 p.m.   9:04 p.m.   8:04 p.m.
Mideclipse                  04:43    11:43 p.m.  10:43 p.m.   9:43 p.m.   8:43 p.m.
Total Eclipse ends          05:23    12:23 a.m.  11:23 p.m.  10:23 p.m.   9:23 p.m.
Partial eclipse ends        06:26     1:26 a.m.  12:26 a.m.  11:26 p.m.  10:26 p.m.
Moon leaves penumbra        07:24     2:24 a.m.   1:24 a.m.  12:24 a.m.  11:24 p.m.

Copyright © 1999 Lukas Gornisiewicz