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CATS characters

Here are the profiles for just a few CATS I have up at the moment.


I am one of the jellicle kittens. My coat is a dark brown and grey. I can be found hanging out around my best friend, Etcetera quite often. I'm also proud to say that I'm a member of the "Tugger Fan Club", meaning that I am one of the kittens who obsess over him. (Personal Note from the real Electra- I cannot stand Tugger! I do NOT like that cat)


Etcetera is my best friend! She is also a Jellicle kitten. She's a white, orange and black calico kitten. We both know how to have fun! And sometimes, we can get in trouble...but basically, we're just two fun-lovin' kittens who enjoy being silly.She's another member of the Tugger's fanclub. Although, Etcetera's "tom craziness" can sometimes get in the way of things, I still think she's great.


This fella is one of the most troublesome little sneaks around. I know that everyone else thinks he's just a playfull, young tom with his friend, Rumpleteazer...but I'm still kind of cautious around him. I mean, after ALL...he DOES work with Macavity. Mungo and Rumple are always getting into trouble with their owners down on Victoria Grove.


She is Mungojerrie's partner in crime. I like Rumple, but I still, as I said before, have a strong cautious feeling towards Mungo. I often find myself watching out for my dear friend, Rumple. Making sure that Mungo doesn't get her into REAL trouble with Macavity or anything.


Vicki, as we call her, is the most graceful kitten out of all of us. Etcetera is just plain jelous of her, and I think it's funny to watch Etcy turn bright red in the face when she sees Vicki getting the attention from the guys during her dances.She's another member of Tugger's fan club, too. Vicki is a solid white kitten with crystal blue eyes. She's a VERY talented dancer. WOW! And have you seen her solo dance? Have you SEEN how far she can lift her leg up? OUCH!


Sillabub is another one of us kittens. She's a black, white and red colored calico. She likes to hang out with Vicki and Rumple. She is also a fan of Tugger's. Sillabub has a great voice, and she even has a solo!

~Coricopat and Tantomile~

Two very cool cats! However, they do tend to freak me out quite a bit. They're mystical twins. (Oooooh! Aaaah! Hehe...sorry!) They're both brown and grey colored cats. They both act just like one another. Quite creepy if you ask me. But then again, maybe I just don't understand them...after all, I AM just a kitten. They both possess special powers that enable them to tell the future! ( *Electra looks around humming the Twilight Zone theme*)

~Rum Tum Tugger~

(Personal note, I myself am not a huge Tugger fan. He's still pretty cool though! Alas, my heart belongs to that silvertabby, Munkustrap. *Le sigh* anyways, back to the descriptions) Woah! Talk about a hunk! *Electra fans herself* This cat is da bomb! He is SOOO FINE! He's a HOT black tom with a *sigh* gorgeous mane! Us kittens all adore him. But how can we not? However, he DOES have a girlfriend, but just pretend like he doesn't, and we hope that one day they'll break up, and we'll have him.....ALL to ourselves! YUMMY!


Hehe! This is one fun kitten! Pouncival's a cutie, and a great friend of mine. He's a small brown and grey-ish kitten. Psst... I have a secret 'bout Pounci!Pounci has a HUGE crush on Bombalurina!! Hehehe...he's going to kill me if he reads this! No one's suposed to know,okay? So you didn't hear this from me...*grin*


Tumble is one of Pouncival's friends. He's quite the limber kitty. He can do flips like no one else! He's also brown and grey, like Pounvical. However, Tumble has more of a white tone.

~Old Deuteronomy~

Old Deuteronomy's our Jellicle Leader!! He's a wise old cat who's been around for quite some time. Infact, he's been married quite a few times... some of the kitties here in the junkyard are his own grandchildren, or probably greatgrandchildren!


'Lonzo's pretty cool for an adult tom. He likes to kid around with us kittens. He's 3rd in line of command, falling in after Munkustrap. In London, 'Lonzo is an appealing black and white. In the States, he's a brown, black and gold tom. Either way we still love him. He's a great protector and has defended us against Macavity a few times. He's truly a brave tom.

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