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My Poems

These are some of the poems that I have written. Please let me know what you think of them.

Love Lost,Love Gained

By: Fawn Thompson "99

Here I sit all alone.
sitting and wandering what went wrong.
The hours fade away,
But the memories stay,
As I read my past,
I wonder how the love did last.
Though far away,
you seemed so close,
As the hours past on the phone,
Life and words were shared,
but no love did we spare.
Just kind words and friendship,
A friendship that survived,
as the love withered and died.
As a pheonix did it die,
As a pheonix it did rise.
Not as love of the lovers,
But as the true love of the heart.
The kind that will never die,
the one I remeber......
As I sit here all alone.

Just to hear "I love you."

By: Fawn Thompson "99

Here I sit in a crowded room,
feeling all alone.
People you know yet a stranger to.
Then he walks in.
A smile appears.
But you're still alone.
You have the friends,
And enemies.
All you want, all you need,
Is to know that love is there.
All your life you've wanted to hear
"I really love you." or " i'm always here for you."
Just to know, just to hear that there is a chance,
A chance to be loved, and love.
But he doesn't even notice you.
He just notices her.
The one who has the good life.
Born with a silver spoon.
And cash to burn.
She gets any guy she wants,
Then throws them away.
When you're still the "flower"
The wallflower with no one to hold.
And so I sit in a crowded room,
Still all alone,
waiting for someone to notice me,
And love me.

How do you know?

By: Fawn Thompson "99

How do you know?
when you have met the one?
The one for you?
How do you feel?
Is it like having a best friend?
But of the opposite sex that you love as well?
Or is it just the feeling you get when your mind
runs away and he can do no wrong?
In your mind and heart do you Know?
Or do you figure it out, as time goes and things grow?
Love is confusing, it goes unanswered,
untill you discover it.
It can be so beautiful,
Or so ugly with saddness.
When will you know, how will you know
When you have met the one and found love?
How will you Know?

Once Loved

By: Fawn Thompson "99

I once was loved by a guy
who in the end just made me cry.
I thought I had it all,
but had nothing at all.
Humpty Dumpty is how I feel,
'cause like Humpty Dumpty I did fall.
All the kings horses and all the kings men,
couldn't mend him again.
Just like him my heart is broken,
waiting to be put together again.
Where is the man, the one I knew?
Where is the care he did show?
Like the roses that love grew,
the man and care they did wilt.
Do with me what thou shalt,
for I cry as thy wilt.
I am nothing without that care,
just as Juliet is with out her Romeo,
Just as the famous lovers died,
love has died never more,
to show you care.

The Dying Rose

By: Fawn Thompson "99

I thought about you all the day,
just waiting to hear what you wanted to say.
I thought you were going to stay,
but you just went away.
I thought I knew what to do,
when my heart was left to stay,
with you as you went away.
For this day I did pray,
that it would stay away.
As we did stray, I really must say,
it was my heart you did steal away.
You usto know what to say,
but those words they did fade.
For I started to care, for you my dove,
but that made you fly away.
Will you stay away?
Or am I to be lonely and here to stay?
As my knight must surely be lost.
As the last petal falls, the rose did die,
as I fade away into the air, in my dispare.