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Roxanne & Noel's Page

Roxanne was the very first rat we adopted from a pet shop. She was saved from a feeder tank. Meaning snake food area. We rescuded her Sept 1997. She is Sapphire's rattie. Roxanne loves spaghetti, carrots, cereal, sweet treats, yogurt drops (big favorite). RIP Roxie


Roxanne is Albino. She's skittish, but has learned that we wouldn't hurt her. She shaves her forearms & can run very fast. A sign of stress. Vet says probably from the pet shop. She loves attention. Roxanne is an alpha rattie.


Noelle was adopted just prior to Christmas & thus her name Noel spelled with some florish. She is a beige bareback with some spots on her back. Noelle is from a local breeder here in MN. Nov. 1, 1998 - Nov 27, 1999 Rest in Peace my table jumper.
Also known as the MN Rat Connection. Noelle has A LOT of energy & can run circles around all of my other rattie kids.


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