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Spice's Page

Here is Spice, aka. Spicy, our third adopted rattie. She's super shy & quiet. Poor Spice has Pneumonia. But is on meds for it.


Spice is so gentle & sweet. Look at that face. Spice is a year old in this photo. We saved her from the feeder tank & the other ratties were beating her up. I love the underdog, don't you? Spice was sick when we got her & had lice. We cleaned her up & saved her life. Spice is so shy that she'll back-up when the other ratties get attention & let them get it all. But I'll pick just her up & give her attention all alone. She needs to feel special, don't we all?

Smell the Spice?

Spice passed on to play at Rainbow Bridge May 14, 1999. She will be very missed.

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