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Sugar's Page

Welcome to my Sugary tail. This page tells you about our sweet rattie. Sugar is our Family's favorite rattie. She has had five mammory tumors removed & is SPOILED to high Heaven. Sugar is free roaming on occation. She can be trusted to leave wires alone, but not cloth is she gets bored. So we check up on her when she is out running around the house. Sugar has her favorite places to sleep when she is out, so we check there first. Smoochie, our dog, runs away when she see's a rattie on the floor. Rattie's don't seem to favor 'socks' or 'paws' so they will tug on the fur/sock. Or nip them. She has cages in the rooms she can wonder so she can take a little pitstop if need be. Sugar is Sylvie's rattie. Sylvie often has to find who is holding her baby, so she can have time with Sugar. Sugar is not allowed to ever die or leave us. So she'll have to live til a ripe old-OLD age.

Sugar, AKA Sugar Baby & Sugar Cookie

Sugar is our Ambassador Rat. She kisses everyone & gives the best lovin'. Sugar is beyound SWEET, she's addictive. Sugar was awarded squishest/kissest rat March 1999. Sept 1997 - Nov 27, 1999 Rest in Peace my Beloved Sugar I LOVE you ALWAYS & FOREVER. I pray to see you again at "Rainbow Bridge".

Sugar & Roxanne

These are our first two ratties. Roxanne was adopted about a week before Sugar. Roxanne was saved from a feeder tank. She's skittish, but loving.

Sugar & Roxanne

Sugar & Spice, sounds yummy. Spice was adopted from a feeder tank & was VERY shy & sick. She had very awful wheezing & lice. We took her too the vet & with lots of love and attention she's florished. Spice is lice free, but on occation wheezes. She's on Baytril off & on to help her out.

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