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My Fuzzies

Here is Wembly. He is a 6 year old senior ferret, that was turned into the shelter due to divorce. Along with Mokie & Baby. Wembly is a lucky boy. He is still with us inspite of a vet's reccomendation to put him down. Luckily, another vet was able to cure him of what ailed him. Wembly is a mis~marked white ferret.

Wembly: Rest in Peace my sweet boy. 1993 -7/25/99


Mokie is a beautiful BEW. (BEW=Black eyed white) Mokie is SO kissy. Every morning she crawls into my bed & wakes me up with a morning tounge bath. And then she dances & dooks when I rise. Since that means I will let her out into the main area of the house & she can go play. Mokie is 6 years old.

DOB 1994.

Baby (not pictured)

Baby is a wonderfully soft Sable ferret. Baby is 5 years old. She loves to play and dance. Baby loves to chase the dog. And she will scruff Wembly & ride his back. It looks SO funny. No pic avil at this time since Baby was playing shy the day I had a camera at my home. (loaner) DOB 1995