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Writings About Pets

Rat Speaking:

The love I have for you is the sweetest thing I can give. For what I have is what I can give to you. My love, my life is my gift to the one I love. For I'll never leave your side. The walls of heaven can't keep me from you. I love you with all my heart. When you are weak, I'll be with you.

A Poem by Sapphire age 9, Feb. 1999

Rattie Antics

1. Your rats spend more time out excercising on you than you spend excercising yourself.

2. Your favorite T.V. and literary characters start appearing as you rats.

3. Every morning you wake up to see your ratties fatter and happier than last night.

4. You don't change out of your housecoat until about 4 PM because one of your geriatric ratties doesn't want to go back home anymore. The robe is his!

5. One of your girls tries to stay in the robe while she is in labour because she has decided that this is the best place for her to raise a family. You are tempted to comply with her wishes.

6. Even with your baby name books you are running out of rat names and start naming rats after characters from jokes and after fruits and vegetables.

7. Your phone conversatins are interupted by sudden exclamations concerning something cute one of your rats just did or by you stopping to talk to your rats.

8. You adopt two elderly declawed cats because you don't want to risk any mishaps with your rats.

9. You use your rats as personal grooming devices - at their own insistence. (Further details available upon request).

10. Your back yard is full of little tomb stones that say such things as: " In Honour of Fran-rat the Grande Matriarch"

To submit writings please e-mail me.

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