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All About Me

Yaaaaay!!! A recent picture of me! Yes, that's right! That picture was taken only a month ago! I look exactly the same! Well ... almost. Just cuter. J/K ;o)

Well, this is where to find all about me... there isn't really a whole lot to tell but, I'll do my best! :o)

Well, let's see.. where to start.. I'm a Christian gal living in Minnesota, near the Twin Cities. I live off the lake and for most Minnesotans, thats kinda hard to avoid, LOL!

I enjoying playing piano & singing. As well as acting in whatever plays or musicals, I do oil pastel drawings in my spare time.

I live in a family of 21, that's including 8 rats (Angel, Soleil, Twinkle, Roxanne, Princess, Felix, Kiki & Cuddles), 2 dogs (Leo & Smoochie), 6 ferrets (Mokie, Baby, Dizzy, Zoe, Guy aka Eyeballs & Sweetie aka Jaws) & a sugar glider (Sydney)! Besides the pets, there are my parents, my sister & myself.

I live in a room filled with glow in the dark stars (over 200!) and leopard print sheets & border. As well as all those things in my room, I collect stuffed animals & lining my room (all sitting on the shelf that goes around the whole room) are countless toys. Hiding in even the most creative places all over the room are over 60 Ty Beanie Babies, most retired by now (ok all retired by now), including a dressed Princess Bear who sits in a case above the queen size bed.

I have a spinning lamp with Space pictures all over. Acompaning the lamp is a well-used drip candle and a few beanies, all on top of a dresser. At this time I have 4 posters on my walls, still leaving much space for more.

I have an old computer in my room which doesn't work well...I rarely use it. I have a TV which would work very well if I had an antenna down here but, the one in the living room gives me at least one recognizable channel. The TV has a black bar at the top, erasing whatever would be there but, I have gotten used to it & don't mind it's presence anymore. I also have a broken VCR which you could say we "ressurected" & an original Nintendo (the kind that came out LOOONG time ago) and that works without help (most of the time). LOL!

Music... Music is my passion, I love it SO much & would not be able to live without some sort of music. Besides singing & playing piano, I like LISTENING to music.. I like dc Talk, Point of Grace, Savage Garden, *NSYNC (I know you guys are all shocked I actually listen to "NSTINK" but it's true! LOL), dc Talk .... Plus I LOVE listening to "Paint the Sky with Stars" by Enya, "Tribute" by Yanni, "The Book of Secrets" by Loreena McKennitt, a CD with Maori music called "Oceania" (which is absulutely BEAUTIFUL) and sometimes Enigma.

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-=Last Updated May 28th, 2000=-
-=Picture Last Updated February 4th, 2001=-