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Perfectly Posed

This is a collection of my most priceless pictures. What do they have in common? They all have just the perfect pose -- from the perfect silly picture, to the perfect group picture to the perfect surprise picture. These are the pictures that when you flip through the photo album and stumble across one of these -- you fall in love with it! It is either soooo silly or just a great picture in general or whatever!! So enjoy!!

Sylvie ... I didn't know you could look so strange!!

Yeap, that's me. Just before I left for my trip to Australia, wearing those Wild Wild West glasses from Burger King (don't look too bad on me actually...). I'm listening to something and singing along with it ... my mom snapped the picture, LOL!

Awwww ... what a cute little girl!

Yes ... you all know who that is too! If you don't I betcha you could guess and get it right first try!! The hair was naturally curly, the kid (me) was naturally cute, the doll ... wasn't naturally ... well, anything. I don't even know if I have the doll anymore! Anyway, I thought this was a cute picture to put in here!

Cute picture!

Here are (from left) Kelly, ???, SaraAnne and Emily making faces at us! This was taken in Australia at the Great Barrier Reef! So cute I just HAD to take a picture!!!

Cute picture!

I think my Aunt Ellen said this was my cousin, Bobbie chasing a runaway chicken!

Boogie, Baby!

This is Julia (my choir's director) and her husband, Chris singing and dancing at the Sydney Opera House, after our Gala Concert at the party!! Boogie, baby! ;-)

Rock on!

Sarah (on left) and Cassy at a party in Sydney!! Rock on girls!!

Hear her roar!

Sarah being silly on the plane (I think) from LA, USA to Sydney, Australia! Hehehe ... seeing this one STILL makes me laugh!

It's a tropical trio!

Sarah L, Me and Sarah C (that was from the left) sitting in front of a restauraunt in Australia! Beautiful, isn't it?? If Sarah C had turned to the camera the other way we'd look like the perfect trio! Not saying we didn't, this is one of my favorite pics from Australia!! Hehehe ... that reminds me of a funny story, but I won't take up the space and your time here & now!! ;-)

LOL, cute!

I LOVE this picture of Cassy!! This was also in Australia (a couple of these pictures are duplicates of ones you may have already seen in another area on this website). This was at an Aboriginal place and they had some huts and Cassy just went in one and kneeled so I took the picture! Too cute!

Cute picture!

I LOVE this picture too!! Also taken in Australia (well, have you seen one of these here?) this little bugger liked to sleep above our hotel door in Cairns. He was there for two nights! (He left during the day, then came back)

A younger Sylvie, pre-braces!

A 14 year old me, visiting family. Here I am in our favorite mexican restaurant! I think my mom took this picture, basically a "look at me and smile, Sylvie!" So I did and this picture came out of it! I think it's a rather cute picture though ... :o)

So many girls in the same outfit!  What a coincidence you all wore the same thing that day!!

Here we are in Australia ... "perfectly posed" in front of ... actually I don't remember, I think this is over looking Bondi Beach or maybe Manly or something ... or neither but we asked Fred (our driver) to stop so we could take pictures so he et us get out for a bit and take them! Fred was great, I miss him! Angela too, they were both great!! Anyway, from the left is Me, Tara, Sarah, Allison, Brenda, Kelly & Elizabeth.

And HOW old were you here?!

This is a beautiful picture some of you may have seen before ... I did Glamour Shots a few years ago. Can you believe I was 13 in this picture?! I look more like ... I don't know, just a LOT older than I really was!! (My hair was REALLY long then, huh?? Now it is just below the shoulders!)

3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Sydney, Australia when the clock stuck midnight on New Year's Eve! 2000 ... Wow!!!


The is my friend, Bekah when she was a baby! Wasn't she cute??

'Tootally' cute! *wink*

"...On a bicycle built for two..." Bekah and someone else (I will have to ask her the other person's name!) on a bicycle built for two!

Cute picture!

Bekah and a little boy she babysits, isn't this picture cute??


Aww ...


Ahhhh, too cute!!!

Brittni from my choir in Canada, posing with a crab on the beach. Kiss that Crab, Brittni! ;-)

Send me YOUR perfect pictures! E-mail me!

Sarah C. and I holding starfish in Canada. Aren't we cute??

The seniors of last year at the beach in Canada. Posing like a bunch of gorgeous supermodels in their swimwear. (Left to right: Angeli, Michelle, Katie, Maria.)

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