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Minnesota Rat Connection
MY Darwin MY Darwin
Silvered Mink Blazed Berkshire Standard Ear



Very Active Male. Can hold his own with the other adult males.  He likes to initiate games with the younger males (The older ones don't want to play with him!).  Extremely nice with people.  Very smart with tricks and catches on quickly.

Darwin has been a bit domineering to the other younger males.  I don't think he means malcontent but no one wants to play with him as much as he likes so he "prompts" them by running after them and nipping.  Then he has created a game of tag.

Type Conformation:   Great physical condition.  Thick coat.  Color Contrast good.


Pedigree Update:

I am pulling the Pedigrees off the site TEMPORARILY because I am evaluating a program that will auto-populate the fields to HTML without me having to write the code each time for each pedigree (time consuming).  I should have results within the month.  In the meantime, if you need the peds, please e-mail me and I will send them by e-mail.