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Minnesota Rat Connection
RH Mertz- Mink Dumbo Self with Curly Tail RH Mertz
Mink Self Dumbo


This is a very beautiful female.  Excellent condition of coat.  Nice ears.
Very Rich Brown coat.  Strange habit of curling tail upwards as shown in picture

Type Conformation:   Steady personality, gets along well with other girls, -except when the babies are born.  A bit nippy then but I can manage! (feed treats for a diversion)


Pedigree Update:

I am pulling the Pedigrees off the site TEMPORARILY because I am evaluating a program that will auto-populate the fields to HTML without me having to write the code each time for each pedigree (time consuming).  I should have results within the month.  In the meantime, if you need the peds, please e-mail me and I will send them by e-mail.