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Through The Storms
Faith Is
Because I Love You
The Regret of Abortion
Thank God For Angels
The Power of Prayer
Come Unto Me My Child
In Everything Give Thanks
Let The Fire Fall
My Sanctuary
Shine Through Me
How Deep Is His Love
A Loving Savior
The Crucifixion
Our God The Creator
Enter His Gates
My Song And Story
You Are Never Alone
A Ray Of Sunshine
Jesus Is Coming Again
Wonderfully Blest
I'll Be Here For You
Awards Page 2
Memberships & Webrings

A note from Helen:
God has blessed me with this wonderful gift of poetry, to be shared with others. I am simply a channel thru which He can reach all the world with His love and compassion. My wish is that you may enjoy reading these poems as much as I have enjoyed writing them.
My Gift To You
This gift of love I offer you, has no strings attached,
I promise that the love I give, by man, cannot be matched.
I gave my all, I gave my life and would do it all again,
To save just one lost soul out there and free them from a life of sin.
I offer you a life that's spent in peace and harmony,
For if you choose to walk with me, in Heaven you'll spend eternity.
Where death and sickness have no place, all pain and fear will be erased,
Of tears, there will not be a trace, I'll wipe them gently from your face.

My Current Guestbook

My 2nd Guestbook

Please View My 1st Guestbook

Song playing is:

A New Day