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24 January 2000

Hi All,
The Owatonna Web site has not been updated lately and could use your help.
(The web master has been lacking in his duties)  It has been so long I
forgot what we have been doing!!  If you went on an activity since this last
spring could you write down what you remember and send it to me for the web
page for the past activities area?  PICTURES are really needed too.  .JPG
files are best for me, if you have prints we can scan them in at Squadron
and I can get them on the web also.  Any PICTURES would be great.

This web page could be a very useful tool for us.  If you are planning an
activity please feed me all the latest info and I can try to get it on the
web right away.  We could post downloadable files, activity fliers,
permission slips (MNWG Form 7) for downloads etc.  I do need everyone's help
for any of this to happen.  I need information.  I will accept scrap paper
with notes on it, I would prefer an email or disk with an article all ready
for to upload ( a pre-made .HTML file would be really cool), but I will take

Is anyone interested in being a co-web master let me know.  I taught myself
everything I know so it won't take long to bring someone else up to my level
(a very low level if you were wondering)  After activities are over I need
articles written so reporters are also needed.

THANKS in advance,
Capt Bill