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Our "NEW" Squadron Headquarters

Take a peek and see what we are up against.

We cleaned and painted the trailer before it was moved to the Owatonna Airport 11-10-1


After it was moved to the airport we started the skirting and refurbishing the inside.  Below is from 12-10-1

Here is the trailer at the Owatonna Airport after skirting.

Ok most of the skirting was done.


Above is the testing and communications room.  We will replace the pink color (maybe)

Above is the main class room.  What a mess.


Here is the other side of the main class room.


Here is the Supply room.  After removing a bathroom and closet we found it to be the biggest room, so it may turn into the main office area.

This is the corner of the above office.  After a tub leaks for years the floor needs help.  I think we need some help too.  Do you know a good shrink?