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Hi! I'm Allan,

but you can call me Honest AL.
I have a variety of interests and hobbies, and would like to share a bit of each through my web pages. I've had this site for years, so some pages may be long out-of-date, but all show a bit about myself and should have working links within my web site. Just click on one of the buttons below to visit that section of my site!

While this page is complete, many other pages on the site are still incomplete and under construction. My apologies.

I'm a Horn player and a music teacher, making music a big part of my life.

I've been a Star Trek fan for years now.

Magic: The Gathering is a fun collectible card game I've played for years.

Many pages devoted to my card collecting hobby.

A place to learn about my perspective of the game Star Wars Galaxies.

Several pages of jokes of all sorts that I have collected over the years.

Thoughts on my favorite movies and books.

I've been a computer gamer since my family got our first computer.

MPR is my radio station of choice in the car.

Other things of interest, including miscellaneous links and pics of me!

Last updated 9-7-05 (in progress)